[12] - Sesame Syrup, I heard it a long time ago

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A/N: heyy!! This really isnt good, how im late every chapter

Anyway! So sorry for the late updates, the hacker keeps coming back and it's honestly exhausting to keep up. I used that damn password on everything and its exhuasting trying to secure and/or delete each one hngg

On the bright side! Exams are over! Im no longer a student!! Who am I!!!!!???? And i got my hacked genshin account back! Yay!


You and Hunter walk back to the class, in silence. He doesn't speak to you, and you don't speak to him.

In all honesty, you'd just followed along with this whole magic mantra. You haven't a fucking clue what he's talking about. Let alone why he's so worked up about it, or why his stupid uncle has anything to do with it.

Your hand still holds his wrist, and he makes no gesture to let it go.

It sends heat to your face.

And what about reporting his uncle? It's more than obvious now Hunter is at least avoiding you not out of his own free will - which is reassuring, at least he isn't planning on leaving you because he doesn't want you around.

"Hey," Hunter starts. You look to him, but he's looking anywhere but you. You're honestly being dragged behind him. "I don't want to lose you. But I don't want my uncle going after you."

"You think some dumb uncle of yours is going to stop me from being friends with you?" You add. "He won't. I'm not that kind of person."

"Suit yourself," Hunter says, but you can hear the relief in his voice. Maybe a little happiness if you stretch it.

You both reach the class door, and Hunter seems to have caught on that your hand is still gripping his wrist.

"Youuu can let go now," he says begrudgingly. "I'm not running away."

You laugh nervously, because you won't admit you like holding his hand, and let his arm go. For once, you're thankful the classroom door doesn't have a window opening.

Hunter goes in first, you following suit.

You both sit down. And now you're bored.

"We're done with the project," you say. "What do we do now?"

You look to Hunter, but he glares.

You feel confused for a second, but the principal approaches from behind you before you can figure it out yourself.

"I see you two are back," she asks, again, like a principal would. "Now, I'm surprised you both managed to pull this off in a week, while most students take at least two or three."

You gulp. Hunter doesn't answer for you, nor make any gesture to help you at all. You decide then, that you don't like not communicating to him. "I just did the interior designing - Hunter did the calculations."

"I see," she says, because all principals say some version of I see. "I find it quite surprising, since you're working with him, Y/n."

You cringe. She didn't say it but she damn well did at the same time.

"Ah, well-" you smile, half-heartedly. "I just... had a burst of motivation?"

"Hmm, of course," she smiles, and places her hand on your shoulder. "I know you're a smart student, Y/n. Your grades would improve if you just did your assignments and put some more work into studying for your exams. You simply lack the effort."

You laugh, nervously, because you know she's right, because you've heard it a million times, that if you did put more work into it, you'd get payoff. You honestly wish you could, because you didn't enjoy getting below par marks. But you couldn't. "Yeah."

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now