[21] - All This Running Around, I Can't Fight it Much Longer

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How do people act in a relationship again?

also what if I was considering writing a belos x reader fic? he was quite ravishing this episode. ah the duality

this chapter is a bit shorter, but more is to come!


The two of you hold hands as you walk along the road to Hunter's house. There's a certain giddiness in your chest, knowing he's going to be in the same HOUSE as you for the next night.

As you two reach his house, Hunter unlocks the gates with the click of the remote in his other hand, not missing a beat in walking in with you.

"Wow, it's been a while since you've been in here, huh?" He asks in a frivolous tone.

"Haha, yeah," ah this son of a bitch. "A while!"

"Well, anyway, I haven't made any food yet, and Belos said I can order FOOD from TAKEOUT," He giggles, eyes crinkling at the edges. "I can't wait!"

Hunter scrambles to pull out his phone, turning to look at you. "Sit anywhere! I'll bring us some tea."

As Hunter walks off, you get a chance to look around. Right across from the kitchen, the living room seems to be a bit refurnished. You could've sworn that sofa wasn't in that corner of the room before, and the television was mounted on the wall. There's also a small wooden cabinet, coloured black, sitting right under it.

It's a bit off-putting for its location, looking off-place. You approach it, curious. It wouldn't hurt to take a peek now, would it?

You crouch to its level, hands reach for the handle, and as your fingers curl around it, you pull—

It's locked.

Now that piques your curiosity.

But, it isn't exactly your place to be snooping around like this, is it? This is Hunter's house, after all. This is his privacy that you're intruding on.

You sigh to yourself, he's your boyfriend now, so you've gotta be a good partner and not pry!

"I'm here!" Hunter calls, a tray in hand.

You jolt up out of the floor, scared shitless. "Wow, you're really quick!"

"When your uncle keeps calling you to make tea every few hours, you kind of get used to it," He replies, walking over. Hunter sets the tray down on the coffee table, and you take your seat on the sofa. There's more exploring to be done later, anyway. "He usually calls me randomly throughout the day, asks for tea, then I make some for him, then I go back to my own thing, before he calls me again in the next hour or two."

"Quite the tea enthusiast," you reply.

"You know," You start. "Your house is pretty gothic."

"You think?" Hunter picks up your teacup, handing it over to you. You take it, your fingers brushing against his for a split second.

"Yeah," Gosh, when are you going to get used to dating him? "There's a lot of black, greys, and... I guess the aesthetic is there?"

Hunter shrugs. "It looks pretty different to my house back home. There, we had an entire castle. It was golden and gilded with statues everywhere you turn. And littered with guards."

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now