[10] - I wake up every morning, you keep leaving.

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A/N: Hellooo guess who's had another hacker scare? Meeeeeee
Am i alright? Physically, yes! Mentally, no haha pls save me, I am waaaaayyy too scared to touch my electronic devices and I haven't had a picture in my gallery in days, pls heeellppppp

Also gus here is specifically growth spurt gus


The walk home was something else. You had no idea what to make of it.

You should really go to the police about this - you'd just gotten harassed for Christs sake! If anything, you have much more of a reason to tell the police because Hunter's probably been facing this for years! Look at how fucking used to it he was! Not to mention there's a shitty dictator working in the government - you have every reason in the book to tell someone.

Thing is - who would even believe you?

Would people even begin to think that someone who's managed to rise in the government for this long, have a bad record and have no mention of it? With how calm he was with his stupid tone of voice, how can you be sure he can't just persuade himself out of it?

It was all driving you crazy. You hated it. You hated that fucking bastard Hunter called Sir. Who even calls their family sir?

As much as you were mad at him, you couldn't deny you had to put his safety first. You just saw him get physically AND psychologically abused, for fucking fuck's fucker's sake!

That settled it - you were confronting Hunter about this as soon as you saw him the next Monday, mad or not!

"Fuck this," you said. "Fuck all of this!"


You didn't sleep well at all that night.

Your nightmares shook you awake in ungodly hours of the night. Flashing lights, Hunter's body, his uncle's hands covered in blood. Luz, Gus and Willow were involved in something called "The Day Of Unity", whatever that meant.

You were thankful for the wake up call, having received a notification on your phone. As much as you wished to go back to sleep, since you were frankly, exhausted, the thought of continuing a dream where all your friends died at the hands of a government official you couldn't stop, was nothing short of unpleasant.

You grabbed your phone, and checked through the notifications. Your eyes lit up at the sender.


Why he was texting you at - you squint and realise its 4:44am, sick - such an hour was confusing, but welcome. He's technically your only friend right now, if Hunter isn't planning on cutting you off.

Guster Local Bruster: Hey, Y/N! Just checking up on you!

Hiii Gus, I'm doing pretty good! you woke me up from a nightmare :You

Guster Local Bruster: What??? What'd you dream of??

It's a long story jdfsbbvwkbbg something about the day of unity :You
No clue where that came from LMAO :You

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