[7] - But If You're Too Drunk To Drive, And The Music Is Right

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A/N: I know I said I'm shocked I got this far but holy shit I'm literally writing a seventh chapter that's never happened in the history of ever (not even my bakudeku phase)

And the ICT exam went well! I'll try to get a chapter out sometime in a week since next week it's all back-to-back exams for bio chemistry and physics.

Also my PC got hacked. It's okay now, I'm just too scared to touch it bc that was so stressful.

Enjoy the chapter!


"Holy shit," Y/n says from next to him. "Holy fucking shit. I'm at the last question. I just answered a near whole assignment."

"That's great!" Hunter felt so excited, with how much they were beaming with excitement. "That's awesome."

"I KNOW!" Y/N flipped throught the worksheet as if it were all a dream. They realize, though probably incorrectly, they answered almost all the questions.

Hunter smiles, and his bird chirps as well, all in bliss at the pure joy radiating through the room.

Though, when they check their watch, they realize it's already nearly past their curfew.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry but I have to go," Y/n says, and they stuff all their things into their bag, already slinging it across their shoulder. "Thanks a lot for having me over."

It was then, his smile faltered. He'd honestly wished they could spend some more time together, but again, it was the fact Y/n was only here to pretend they were working together on the project.

He didn't like how that thought made him feel.

"How will you get home?" Hunter asks. "You'll be alright on your own?"

"Oh yeah, no worries, I'm already ordering a cab."

"A... cab?"

"Yeah," they say, then look confusedly at him. "You don't know what a cab is?"

Hunter rubs his neck bashfully, Flapjack then choosing to use his head of hair as a nest to sit on. "No."

"Weird," they say. "It's just asking for a car to pick you up."

"That's nice."

"Oh shoot, they're here already," Y/n scurries out of the room, Hunter following after them.

They both run down the flight of stairs with Hunter jumping off at the last three steps, rushing forward to unlock the door.

"Get home safe!" He yells.

Y/n glances back at him, smiling. "You too!"

Hunter feels warm and giddy at the prospect of him having his first friend over -- he practically couldn't believe it. Their words kept repeating in his head over and over again. Get home safe.

It's stupid considering Hunter is already home.

Home. He wish he were back home, at the Boiling Isles. His home, where magic ran free like water and boiling rain and the sandy streets and jewels, gems... his future.

He couldn't wait to be home, but he had a duty. To lie low, fit in, get outstanding grades to get into a government school alongside his uncle. That was the plan, the ultimate goal. His purpose, his ambition.

He didn't enjoy lying low, but he had to.

Then, his mind drifts to Y/n. If Y/n were here with him for the meantime, maybe the human world could feel like a home, too.

☆ 𝕋𝕆𝕋𝔸𝕃𝕃𝕐 𝔼𝔸𝕊𝕐! ☆ The Golden Guard | Hunter x Gn!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now