34. Dumb and Dumber

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Dumb and Dumber

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

     ANDI SLOWLY WALKED THROUGH THE HALLWAYS ON HIGH ALERT FOR ANYONE NEARBY. If the Twins or any of the other alphas showed up, she was ready to strike back. She kept her ears open for any sounds as she slowly neared a corner at the end of the hallway. She swallowed the nervousness down as she stalked closer and stayed light on her feet so she wouldn't alert anyone else of her presence, even though it would probably be next to impossible if there was a werewolf just around the corner. Her hands were already surrounded by green vapour as she heard footsteps and took a deep breath before jumping out. All she could register in the moment was that someone or something was right in front of her and she fired without hesitation, knocking them onto the floor but she soon regretted it when she took a moment to realize who it was around the corner.

     "Oh, my God, Melissa! I am so sorry! I thought you were one of the alphas," she apologized profusely as she grabbed the woman's hand and helped her stand up.

     Melissa groaned before standing up straight. "Then why did that one feel like you were going easy on me?" the woman chuckled.

     "I've been using magic all day. At this point, I'm running on fumes," Andi replied. "What happened with Deucalion?"

     "Strangely, he let me go. Now I'm trying to find Scott but I don't know where he is," Melissa said as she picked up the defibrillators she was carrying before Andi knocked her over.

     "Last I saw him, he was distracting the Twins so we could get Cora to the ambulance. I sealed her and Stiles inside so no one else can get in but me," Andi said as they started heading down the hallway in search of Scott.

     Melissa was ready with the defibrillators and Andi was ready with magic at her fingertips. Both of them were listening for anything that could be out of the ordinary and Andi also kept her mind open in case somebody's thoughts could be heard. She hadn't been using her natural telepathy ability for a while but she was hoping it would be useful soon enough. As soon as the both of them heard growling, they stopped in their tracks and looked at each other before running down the hallway chasing the sound. When they turned the corner, they saw the Twins in their combined Alpha form holding Scott against the wall.

     "We're trying not to hurt you!" the Twins shouted.

     "Try harder," Scott strained against their grip in his throat.

     "Hey!" Melissa shouted and the Twins dropped Scott. "I'd like to try something."

     She pressed the defibrillators against their chest, sending an electric pulse through them strong enough to separate them and leave them spasming on the floor. Andi crouched down near them and her hands hovered over their heads as the magical green vapour was absorbed into their foreheads and their eyes turned green for a split second.

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