21. Boyd's Mystery Inmate

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Boyd's Mystery Inmate

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

     IT TOOK LONGER THAN MINUTES TO GET ANY INFORMATION ON HOW THE BANK VAULT WAS ROBBED. Andi fell asleep while waiting for Stiles and Scott to update her on the plan and her arms and legs were spread out on the bed. Her grandmother opened the door and looked at the bright red numbers on her digital clock. She shook Andi's arm but all she did was mumble and smack her hand away. Her grandmother sighed as she went to the bathroom and returned to Andi's bedroom with a cup of cold water and without thinking, she tossed the water onto her face. Andi screamed as she sat up and wiped the cold water from her eyes.

     "What the hell?!" she asked as she looked at her grandmother.

     "Amanda, you better get yourself ready right now. School starts in ten minutes," her grandmother said and Andi looked at the time.

     "Oh, crap!" she said as she jumped out of bed and grabbed her shoes.

     "Aren't you gonna take a shower?" her grandmother asked

     "Ten minutes, Grams! Plus, you already took care of that for me," Andi said as she tied her laces.

     She didn't even bother to brush her hair and just used a scrunchie to put it up in a messy ponytail. She quickly brushed her teeth and when she was ready, she grabbed her bag, phone, keys and bike helmet and rushed down the stairs and out the door.

     "Love you too," her grandmother mumbled.

     The front door opened and Andi poked her head through the space. "Love you, Grams!" she said before closing the door again and grabbed her bike.

     She made sure her helmet was on properly and started heading towards the school as fast as she could. By the time she got there, she had two minutes to get to class. She quickly locked her bike and ran into the school and to her first class without bothering to stop at her locker. She already had what she needed in her bag and got to her English class just before the bell rang.

     "Miss Nicks. Glad to see you could join us," her English teacher said as she sat down.

     Andi didn't even bother to change her clothes so she was sporting her red Christmas themed onesie with little snowmen printed on it. Her hair was still a mess despite being pulled into a ponytail and she still looked tired. Hell, she didn't even have breakfast yet. "I just rolled out of bed ten minutes ago so don't mind me," she replied. Scott and Stiles tried not to laugh and Andi just scowled at them. "What?" she asked.

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