02. Princess Bubblegum

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ACT ONE, CHAPTER TWOPrincess Bubblegum

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Princess Bubblegum

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

     "HOW WAS YOUR FIRST DAY?" Andi's grandmother asked once the teenager walked through the door.

     "Just like anyone else who has ever been the new student. Everyone was looking at me like I was some sort of exotic animal that they've never seen in their entire lives," Andi sighed as she went into the kitchen and saw her grandmother stirring the contents in the pot on the hot stovetop.

     "It's only the first day. By tomorrow, they'll get used to you and you'll get used to them," her grandmother said as she covered the pot.

     "I sure hope so," Andi said as she made her way up the stairs and dropped her bag in the corner of her bedroom.

     She kicked her shoes off and took out her scrunchie, letting her long hair fall into place as she crawled onto her bed. The homework could wait while Andi let everything from the earlier hours of the day melt into nothing. The awkwardness would wear off soon so she was no longer worried about that. Things were going to get easier so she had nothing to stress about.

     Andi remembered her friend from Atlanta and pulled her phone out of the pocket of her jeans. She scrolled through her small list of contacts until she found the person she was looking for and tapped on the number. She held the phone to her ear as she waited for somebody to pick up and put an end to the ringing. Once the ringing stopped, all Andi got was her friend's voicemail. As soon as she heard the beep she recorded her message.

     "Hey, Loretta, it's Andi. I just wanted to call and see how everything is over there. Call me back or send me a text so we can talk," she said and sent the message before hanging up.

     She left her phone sitting on the nightstand while she stood up and grabbed her bag. If she didn't finish her homework now, her grandmother would be on her back about it all night. She glanced at her phone to see if Loretta answered but so far there was nothing and it stayed like that, even when Andi had finished her homework. Was she busy? Maybe she got her number changed and just forgot to let Andi know about it.

     While her grandmother was cooking downstairs, Andi stayed up in her room trying to keep herself occupied. Since she hadn't visited her grandmother in Beacon Hills since she was eight years old, nothing about her room changed. The small clothes that used to hang in her closet were now replaced with all the clothes she packed and brought with her. She only grew a few inches in those few years so she was still able to fit in her bed. Maybe she could do something to make her room feel less childish and she already knew where to start.

     She got up and pulled out a box from the closet and opened the lid. All the toys she used to play with were still inside and that was the first thing she wanted to take out of her room if she was going to be living there. She picked up the box and carried it downstairs. She opened the door to the basement and turned the light on so she could see where she was going as she descended down the stairs. She put the box on a shelf and as she stepped away, she noticed an old leather bound book with a thick spine. She picked it up and blew the dust off the cover so she could see what was on it. The cover had very detailed designs along the corners and edges and there was a green gemstone right in the middle. When she opened it, the pages were yellow but the ink was still heavily contrasted against the paper. The words were written in a language that she didn't understand but she felt like she saw this exact same book somewhere else in her lifetime and she couldn't put her finger on it.

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