07. Witches and Werewolves

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ACT ONE, CHAPTER SEVENWitches and Werewolves

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Witches and Werewolves

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

     JUST AS ANDI WAS FINISHED PACKING HER BAG, someone loudly slammed her locker shut in some cliché attempt to intimidate her. Andi only sighed as she looked at Kendall who stood there with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face.

     "It's you, isn't it?" she asked and Andi rolled her eyes as she walked past the freckled brunette.

     "When are you going to take a hint that you don't bother me no matter what you say?" she asked as she kept walking.

     "So, it is you then. You're the reason he broke up with me," Kendall said and Andi sighed as she turned around.

     "Honest to God, I have no idea who you're talking about but if your boyfriend really did break up with you, I can't say I blame him," she said and Kendall glared at her.

     "I can see right through your whole good girl act that you have going on here, and I don't buy it for a second."

     "I don't care if you buy it or not. You clearly have your own problems to deal with."

     Andi turned around and left the school and grabbed her bike from the bike rack. She put on her helmet and started heading home before she had to deal with someone or something else. When she did get home, she brought her bike into the garage and left it to lean against one of the walls before going inside. She called out for her grandmother but got no answer so she figured she wasn't home. She went upstairs to her room and put her bag down on her bed. The weekend ahead of her was going to be full of studying but she had no choice but to pull through it. Since she didn't know how long until her grandmother returned, she figured she could at least try to get some studying done for her chemistry midterm.

     Andi took a study break every hour to either use the bathroom, get something to eat, or even to simply lie down and relax. The words in her notes and textbook started to blur and she decided to put everything away and end it there for the night. She heard the door slam shut downstairs so she trudged down the staircase to greet her grandmother. When she reached the bottom, she didn't see or hear anyone inside.

     "Grams?" she called.

     She didn't get a response so she checked the kitchen, the garage, even the basement. She was still the only person in the entire house, yet she somehow heard the door. She put on her shoes and jacket and went outside to go for a walk and she texted her grandmother to let her know so she wouldn't worry when she got home and Andi wasn't there. She walked along the edge of the preserve with her hands in her pockets. She heard a snap and she stopped walking and let the silence surround her for a moment. She listened closely but she didn't hear anything else so either her witch senses were going crazy or she was just losing it.

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