36. Celestial Event

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Celestial Event

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

     HOURS PASSED AND ANDI WAS GETTING MORE NERVOUS THE LONGER THEY STAYED UNDER. Her hands would hover over them once in a while just so she could be sure that they were still there. It was faint, but enough to give her some sort of comfort. Isaac would wrap his arms around her shoulders and tell her that it was going to be okay, that they would come back and they would find the nemeton and their parents. Part of her brain wanted to push him away after what she admitted to Lydia but she was selfish and wanted the comfort to keep herself together.

     It was daytime outside and Andi was standing by the tub Allison was in when she suddenly sat up, gasping for air and water everywhere on Andi's clothes. Andi helped Allison out of the tub and gave her a towel while Scott and Stiles got out as well.

     "I saw it! I know where it is. It was when we were looking for a body," Scott said.

     "The same night you were bit by Peter, we passed by a big tree. Well, it's a stump now since it was cut down but it's still very big," Stiles added.

     "I was in the car with my mother that night and we almost hit someone," Allison said.

     "That was me. You almost hit me," Scott realized. "We can find it."

     The others were silent for a moment until Andi cleared her throat. "You guys were under for sixteen hours," she said and the three of them looked at her in shock.

     "We were underwater for sixteen hours?" Scott questioned, making sure he heard right and Andi nodded.

     "And the full moon rises in less than four," Deaton said.

     "How are we gonna come up with a foolproof plan in less than four hours?" Stiles questioned incredulously.

     "Andi and I can still draw power from the eclipse since it's a celestial event," Kendall pointed out.

     "Best case scenario, we beat Jennifer but we still have to deal with the Alpha pack. Kali is gonna make good on her promise and kill Derek tonight and Deucalion will kill us all if we get in his way hunting down Jennifer. Ethan and Aiden are just gonna follow either one of them like lap dogs," Andi said with her arms crossed. "Oh, and the last time, Kali had a tuning fork that was specifically enchanted to stun witches and even kill them if exposed long enough. That thing will make you feel like someone is splitting your brain in half with a chainsaw."

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