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Chan's POV

I groan as I lean back in my chair. I run my fingers through my hair. No matter how many times I listen to this part—it just doesn't sound right. I don't want to make him record it again. He spent three hours with me recording it over and over again—it just never sounded right. I'd feel terrible making him stay here longer. He's probably exhausted. After recording with me he was practicing—then we had the live. A light tap on the door startles me and I turn to see who it is.

"Hey, Channie Hyung." HyunJin slips into the room and grabs one of the spare chairs. He pulls it up right next to me and leans in to see what I'm doing.

"You should go home and get some sleep." I instruct as I place my hand on his thigh. He ignores me and leans even further in. He reaches out to take my headphones then hits play. He scrunches his nose up and turns toward me.

"I don't like it." HyunJin sets the headphones on the desk and frowns.

"I don't either." I admit as I sigh and stretch my arms up above my head. Sitting hunched over in this chair for hours is going to be the death of me.

"Do you want me to re-record it?" HyunJin asks innocently as he glances toward the door to the recording booth.

"Honestly—I don't think I can do much more tonight. My back and shoulders are killing me." I groan as I reach up to rub at my shoulder.

"Let me help." HyunJin hops up and immediately begins massaging my shoulders. I lean my head back and close my eyes. I'm enjoying this far too much.

"Hmm—you're a saint, Jinnie." I hum contently as his skillful fingers manage to help work out some of the knots in my muscles.

"This is the least I can do. You work so hard to make our dreams possible." HyunJin mumbles as I groan in relief.

"Better?" HyunJin questions as his fingers stop their work. I try to hold back my disappointment and nod contently.

"I'll do your back when we get home. I figured you'd rather lay on your bed then the ground in here." HyunJin falls back down in his chair. His hair falls over his eyes and he reaches up to swat it away.

I don't know if it's the lack of sexual release or if I'm truly attracted to him, but I can't help but want to kiss him. His lips are taunting me. My eyes are drawn to them and I'm sure he can tell by the way he squirms in his seat. I clear my throat and turn back toward my laptop. I don't want to make him anymore uncomfortable—especially if I still want that back massage when we get home. Honestly—I want to go home this very second just to feel his magical fingertips again—but I know better. He wanted to re-record, so that's why he did it. I've got at least another hour of a sore back before he'll help with it.

"Get in there, Jinnie. Let's get this over with." I smile at him and he quickly gets to his feet. A grin crosses his face as he slips into the recording booth. He puts the headset on and turns towards me. He gives me a thumbs up and I set everything up for him.

Honestly, it didn't take as long as I had anticipated. It was hell though. Every so often between takes, his tongue would dart out to wet his lips. I could feel the effects of it in my lower stomach. It took so much to try and contain myself. The fact I managed to get away without getting hard will always mystify me.

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