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A/N: This is a long one... but like... I'm proud of it... the asexual is proud of an 18+ scene...

-Chan's POV-

I slowly make my way toward the front gate. I know I told him I'd get him something delicious—but there's only so many places around here and it's far too late for any of them to actually be open. So—what we have is ramen and ice cream. I know he won't be mad. I know he'll appreciate even the smallest gesture. He's HyunJin. He just likes feeling important.

I unlock the gate and slip inside. My breath catches in my throat as I see him through the wall of windows. He stands at his easel—his shirt laid out on the couch. Paint covers his arms and some of his chest. I swallow hard. My feet stuck in place as I take the beautiful sight in. His tongue peeks out of his mouth just a touch as he focuses on what's directly in front of him. He's completely oblivious to my existence. My arrival doesn't even peek his interest. He's too entranced by the canvas no more than a foot away from his face.

I've watched him paint before, but it's always just been at his desk. They were always small projects because he had very little space to do much more than that, but now he has a large room filled with every art supply he could ever dream of—if something is missing—I'll get it for him. I want him to be happy. I want him to be able to explore his every desire in terms of his art.

He bumps the stool next to him holding his paints and they fall to the ground with a clatter. I'm broken out of my trance the moment I see him panic. He hurries to grab paper towels and gets down on his knees to start cleaning it up. My feet lead me into the house and he lifts his head to look at me.

"I'm sorry—I didn't mean to spill them Channie Hyung." HyunJin's voice wavers a bit as he shifts his attention back to the mess.

"Calm down—I'm not mad. Accidents happen. Go clean up so we can eat. I've got this." I reassure him as I kneel down beside him. I guide his face toward mine for a quick kiss before I pat his butt encouragingly. He nods weakly and gets to his feet.

I watch him slip into the bathroom before I turn my focus to the mess. The light wood floors aren't happy with the deep colored paints, but I manage to get most of it cleaned up before it can dry. I get to my feet and move to discard the paper towels. I wash my hands clean of paint and collect his brushes to clean them for him.

On my way back to return his brushes to their place—I stop in my tracks. I hadn't paid the slightest bit of attention to what he'd been working on. The moment my eyes fell on it, my chest tightened. I clear my throat awkwardly and shift my gaze entirely. I can't look at it. I can't relive that moment. It's embarrassing in so many ways—but also more of a turn on than I'd like to admit.

"Sorry—I didn't think about how you'd feel about it. I just kinda started without much thought." HyunJin mumbles as he joins me near his easel. I shake my head before turning towards him.

"Don't apologize. It's really good, Jinnie—like really really good." I insist as I rest my hands on his hips. I pull him towards me and kiss his forehead.

"Shouldn't we go home? It's late. The others are probably worried." HyunJin questions shyly as nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck. I breathe him in and him contently.

"Don't worry about them. I told Bin you were staying with me. He didn't ask any questions after that. We'll be back before morning. It's only midnight. They won't question anything until after five or six. We have time, Jinnie." I mumble as I press my lips to his delicate throat.

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