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A/N: prepare yourselves... this is a longer one

Chan's POV

"Fuck." I groan softly as I look down at HyunJin's sleeping form. He looks so pretty. His cheeks are red and his forehead covered in a thin layer of sweat—something's wrong.

"Jinnie—HyunJin—Baby?" I gently adjust him in my grasp in hopes of stirring him.

"Hmm?" He hums groggily as he cuddles up closer to me. He's warm—really warm.

"We need to go home. The others are probably freaking out." I smooth his hair down as he groans softly.

"Don't wanna move. Little Prince wants cuddles." HyunJin scoots closer to me and I can't help but give him want he wants. He's sick. I'm probably the one who got him sick. I haven't felt well the last few days, but I just figured I was exhausted.

I roll onto my side facing him and press my lips to his forehead. He turns his head a bit and coughs. My heart breaks seeing how miserable he is—and I woke him up.

"Baby—I'm sorry. I got you sick—didn't I? Please forgive me." I sigh as I cup his precious face with one hand.

"Little Prince wants Daddy's kisses." HyunJin pouts as he reaches up to place his hand on top of mine.

I can't help but smile at how cute he is. He's clingy and needy—but I love it. I don't want to go home if it means we can't do this. I know I shouldn't kiss him. I know if I wasn't the one to get him sick—he'll get me sick—but I don't care. I gently press my lips to his without a care in the world. He smiles into the kiss as I rub at his lower back.

I glance over at the alarm clock on his side of the bed. It's three in the morning. Our manager won't be at the dorm until seven at the earliest. As long as we leave here at like six—we should make it before him—and I should have time to get HyunJin situated in bed. He can't come to the interview like this.

I sigh as my phone goes off. I let go of him to grab it. HyunJin squirms to get closer to me as I unlock my phone to see who it is and what they want.

ChangBin: I wasn't sure if you were still at the studio or not... but Lix and JeongIn are sick. SeungMin might be getting there, too.

"Shit—Baby—let go of Daddy for a minute. I have to call Binnie." I gently run my fingers through his hair in hopes of getting him to let me go.

"Nuh-uh." HyunJin shakes his head and pulls me closer.

I frown, but I can't be upset with him. He just wants cuddles. He can't help it. I adjust him a bit so I can freely use my arm. I hit ChangBin's number and lift my phone to my ear.

"Yeah?" ChangBin mumbles as Felix whines.

"We're at our place. How are they doing? Jinnie is sick, too." I explain softly as HyunJin nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck.

"I haven't seen Innie for an hour or so, but he looked rough. Lixie isn't doing too terrible, but he's coughing a bit and has a sore throat." ChangBin informs me and I can't help but reach up to pinch the bridge of my nose.

"We'll have to cancel our schedules for the day. If three of us are sick it'll make a huge difference—especially if Min might be getting sick, too." I sigh as HyunJin lifts his head to look at me. His beautiful eyes are dark and his lips form a weak pout. He wants attention, but I need to check on the others and he knows it.

"I'm worried about Sung. He was sick not that long ago—I'd hate for him to get sick again." ChangBin mumbles as he gets out of bed. Felix whines, but doesn't object.

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