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ChangBin's POV

I glance over at Felix and sigh. He's exhausted. After HyunJin left, he decided to run through the dance a few more times, so I stayed behind to help him. Now—it's nearing two in the morning and he's spent beyond belief. I honestly don't even know if he can stand up.

I sit down next to him and rub playfully at his exposed stomach. He shoots me a glare, but doesn't stop me. In fact, he just tosses his arm over his eyes and lays completely still.

"Lixie, we need to go home." I mumble and Felix groans. He slipped earlier and fell on his arm, so part of me is worried he's hiding his pain. He's someone who doesn't like to worry others, so it wouldn't be shocking.

"How's your arm? Does it hurt? Chan might be here still—I can go get him to look at it." I glance toward the door—half expecting Chan to come in and scold us for still being here.

"It's fine." Felix whispers groggily as he lowers his arm from his face and holds it out for me.

I take it in my grasp and he winces a bit, but he plays it off as nothing. I turn it over in my hands and frown. There's a slight bruise, but nothing major. I'm pretty sure he didn't break it, but it could be a sprain. However, it's Felix, so he'll push through even if I tell him to rest. The best thing to do is just make sure he doesn't fall on it again.

"Lixie, come on—get up so we can go home. You need sleep." I slowly get to my feet and hold my hand out for his, but he doesn't take it. He fell asleep while I was looking at his arm.

I lay down next to him and roll onto my side. I reach out to delicately run my fingers over Felix's freckles. He scrunches his nose up, but doesn't object in any other way. I groan and pull my hand back. I roll onto my back and put my hands behind my head. I stare up at the ceiling as the music continues to play in the background. Felix scoots toward me and rests his head on my chest. His tiny hand lays beside his face.

I swallow hard as my heart thumps uncontrollably. It's not like it's the first time he's slept on me like this, but it's definitely the most mind altering. I just want to wrap my arms around him tightly and squeeze, but I don't want to scare him away. The more times he does this type of thing, the more I fall for him and his charm. He's not like the others. He's a giant ball of sunshine that makes every day worth living no matter how tough it seems.

"Lixie—" I whisper softly, attempting to wake him, but not truly wanting to. I know that there's a chance that when we get home he'll end up sleeping with me like this, but I don't want to risk it not happening. If I stay here like this, I don't have to worry about it being taken away from me. His warmth will remain at my side until he wakes up.

"Min said Lix and Bin didn't make it home. Are you sure you were the last one?" Chan questions from down the hall. I can hear his and another set of footsteps approaching the room.

"Bin was ready to go and waiting for Lix when I walked out. Lix was getting his things. I just assumed they left." HyunJin explains casually as they come to a stop in front of the practice room door.

Felix groans and lifts his head slightly as he rubs at his eyes. Chan opens the door and looks straight at us. He sighs and slips away from HyunJin to get Felix on his feet.

"Come on, you two—let's go home." Chan wraps am arm around Felix's waist to keep him steady. He holds his free hand out for mine and pulls me up.

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