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Felix's POV

"Lix—do you want to go first? You were the one who was worried yesterday." Chan questions and I snap my head up to look at him.

"Oh—I—uh—I don't know how to start. I was just worried because everyone seemed off." I lower my gaze to my lap as ChangBin wraps his arms around me from behind.

"I can start. HyunJin and I had sex." Chan states calmly as HyunJin chews on his bottom lip.

No one says a word. Everyone just sits in silence unsure of how to process it all.

"We talked about it and figured it was best to just be transparent. We could've went around and acted like nothing was going on, but we felt like it wasn't fair to you guys. Lix was right—Jin and I were a bit off yesterday. That's because the night before—we had a moment—it was really intense—then I was stupid and tried to pretend like nothing happened. I was taking care of everyone else while he waited and he got upset. I didn't blame him for being upset. He was in the right. So—I set out to make it up to him. Little things added up and we ended up having sex last night." Chan gives us the short version of the story.

Part of me is glad he didn't give us the details—while the other part wants to know more—maybe not about the whole sex part—but definitely about how they talked through things. I could use their advice on ChangBin.

"JeongIn and I had sex—and I gave him a blowjob—that's why my throat hurt." SeungMin joins the party and lets out his own dirty little secret.

JeongIn tenses and quickly looks away as he rubs at his arm. Chan places his hand on JeongIn's knee and squeezes while offering him a reassuring smile. SeungMin's eyes move to MinHo and MinHo glances down at the still not one hundred percent JiSung laying in his lap.

"Hm? Oh—well—" JiSung starts to say something, but MinHo steps up and cuts him off.

"JiSung and I had sex first—SeungMin and JeongIn came home and heard us—so those two are on us." MinHo then shifts the focus toward ChangBin and me.

They've all had sex. The most we have to share is our kiss—and the fact I caught ChangBin jerking off. ChangBin loosens his grip on me and sits back on the couch. I tilt my head back to look at him. He tugs at his sleeves anxiously. He's not going to speak up—I have to.

"Binnie and I—" I start, but Chan holds his head up and shakes his head.

"Hold on—SeungMin—you said you gave Innie a blowjob and that's why your throat hurt? Eat a damn popsicle." Chan rolls his eyes at what he considers an obnoxious excuse.

"The popsicle is what started it all—it also finished it all." HyunJin mumbles as he rubs at his thigh awkwardly. Chan smirks and guides HyunJin's head toward him so he can kiss his forehead.

"Go ahead, Lixie—what were you saying? Something about you and Bin." Chan encourages as he shifts the attention back to me.

"Oh—well—Bin and I—" I attempt to speak again, but this time ChangBin steps in and overpowers my soft voice.

"We had sex, too." ChangBin states casually as he attempts to play the lie off as the truth—and nothing but the truth. I tilt my head back to look at him and he swallows hard. He knows I want to call him out on it, but I won't—not in front of the others.

MinHo eyes ChangBin suspiciously as if he knows more than he's saying. I mean—I did tell him we didn't have sex yet last night—but I guess we could've had it after I talked to him—but still that's a little far fetched.

"Well—so—there's no point in being secretive. Glad to get that figured out. With that being said—rules—we need rules. When it comes to where everyone has sex—Jin and I have a place where majority of our intimate moments will happen—but I will admit something could arise in the heat of the moment—so we need to determine some do's and don'ts." Chan attempts to get the discussion started as everyone awkwardly glances around.

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