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ChangBin's POV

"Fuck—Daddy—harder!" HyunJin's moans fill the air the moment ChangBin opens the door.

"Shit!" Felix quickly end the live and I slam the door shut behind us.

"Fuck—what the fuck are we gonna do?! I didn't know they were—"

"Yah! Bang Chan! Open the goddamn fucking door! We have a really big fucking problem!" MinHo hops to his feet the moment everything sinks in.

"Hold the fuck on—" Chan growls lowly as HyunJin whines.

"You were fucking on a live—not something we can put on hold." MinHo pounds on the door.

SeungMin and JeongIn slip out of their room rubbing at their eyes. Felix swallows hard and stares down at his phone. He thinks it's his fault, but I'm the one who suggested we go bother MinHo and JiSung. If I would've just stayed put in bed with him—no one would've known.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Chan slips out of the bathroom with nothing but sweatpants on. They hang dangerously low, but no one seems to notice.

"Lix and Bin were on a live. They came out of the room without realizing what was going on—HyunJin was loud." MinHo fills them in as Felix buries his face in my chest.

I wrap my arms around him and squeeze. The poor thing is terrified. Honestly—it's possible it didn't get picked up on the live. It may have gone unnoticed completely, but it's better we're prepared for the aftermath in case it did.

"Shit—I didn't fucking realize they were live—don't say a word to him. Jinnie can't know. I'll figure it out." Chan shakes his head as he lowers his voice.

Without warning, Chan's phone goes off in the bathroom. He swallows hard as HyunJin slips out to hand it to him. He wraps his arms around his waist and rests his head on Chan's shoulder as Chan looks down at his phone.

"Hey—Baby—I need to take this. I'll be right back." Chan gently pries HyunJin from him before weakly making his way toward the bedroom.

I doubt they could tell who it was—if they heard it at all. He didn't say Chan's name. For all anyone knows—it could've been a neighbor. It could've been someone else completely.

HyunJin stares after Chan solemnly. He's upset. From the way Chan was acting—I don't think HyunJin heard MinHo. If he had—Chan wouldn't have told us not to tell him—but doesn't he have the right to know? He should be prepared, too.

"Why can't he talk in front of me?" HyunJin asks softly before turning to cough.

"It's nothing, Jinnie. He probably just wants to make sure he hears everything without us getting loud. It's not you. He'll be back in a minute. Do you need more medicine? How're you feeling? Hm?" SeungMin is quick to step up to try and appease the situation as best as he can.

"I'm okay. Still sore and stuff, but not too bad." HyunJin explains quietly as SeungMin wraps his arm around his shoulders.

"We should watch a movie." JiSung chirps as he plays his part in occupying HyunJin.

"I'm gonna go grab my blanket." HyunJin slips away from SeungMin and heads for the bedroom door. I reach out to try and catch him, but I miss him.

HyunJin opens the door as MinHo grabs ahold of him. Chan turns to face us and he nods weakly. MinHo releases HyunJin and earns a confused glance from him. Chan holds his hand out for HyunJin and HyunJin accepts it. Chan pulls him toward him and HyunJin rests his head on his shoulder. Chan kisses the top of his head before patting his butt and motioning HyunJin toward his blanket.

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