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JeongIn's POV

"Do you think Jinnie Hyung is doing better? I haven't seen him or Channie Hyung yet. I don't want to go in the room if they're still sleeping though." I pace outside the bedroom hesitantly. I need to get clothes to change for our schedule. Honestly, HyunJin and Chan need to get up, too. I just don't want to be the one to do it.

"Just go in, Innie. They need to get up soon anyway." SeungMin instructs from the kitchen as he chops something methodically. He doesn't even lift his head to look at me. He's too enamored with whatever he's doing.

"If you're not going in then move—I will." ChangBin gently nudges me aside and tugs the bedroom door open. He makes his way toward the closet to grab new clothes—not even giving Chan and HyunJin a glance.

My eyes fall on the two and my heart skips a beat. HyunJin is securely wrapped in Chan's arms. His head rests peacefully on Chan's chest. Chan's cheek is pressed to HyunJin's forehead. They look so cute and peaceful. I hate to see someone wake them up—but the moment I hear MinHo slip out of the bathroom—I know their slumber will be ended.

"Where's Chan?" MinHo questions SeungMin and I hesitantly look back at him. He meets my gaze and I sigh as I nod toward the bedroom.

"He's still sleeping? He's always up first." MinHo approaches me worried. He stands behind me and rests his hand on my waist while he peers around me at Chan and HyunJin.

"Jinnie Hyung had a rough night. Channie Hyung was trying to calm him down." I fill MinHo in on everything he missed while he and JiSung were off in their own little world.

"I got them." MinHo slips around me and makes his way toward the bed. ChangBin steps aside for him then ducks back out of the room.

"Hey—Channie—you gotta get up." MinHo gently rests his hand on Chan's shoulder. His voice is soft and compassionate. He's not his loud and obnoxious self.

"Hm—oh—my phone must've died. I set an alarm." Chan groggily mumbles as he snuggles closer to HyunJin—still half asleep.

"Jinnie." MinHo moves to wake HyunJin, but Chan shakes his head and gently pushes his hand back.

"I've got him." Chan states firmly. His eyes meet MinHo's and MinHo immediately backs down.

"Go get your clothes, Innie. You get the bathroom after Bin and Lix." MinHo instructs as he makes his way back out of the room.

I nod and slip inside awkwardly. I watch Chan closely as I blindly walk toward the closet. My muscle memory does me right and I manage to make it there safely. The way Chan gently brushes HyunJin's hair from his face makes my chest grow tight. I can only imagine how it'd feel if SeungMin did that to me.

Chan glances toward me and I immediately turn my head. My cheeks burn red out of embarrassment. I can't believe I let myself get caught. I shouldn't have been watching—I was just so intrigued by the fact he looked so comfortable in Chan's embrace. I didn't even think about the fact Chan didn't have his shirt on. That just makes my staring even stranger.

I quickly collect my clothes and scurry out of the room shutting the door behind me. SeungMin looks up at me baffled by my sudden exit. I swallow hard and glance toward the bathroom door as Felix and ChangBin slip out. I hurry around them and slip inside. I lock myself inside and take a shaky breath.

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