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Chan's POV

"This is the one and only time I'm bringing you here. The only reason I'm bringing you is because I really don't feel like going out to do something. You're going to forget the address and close your eyes while I type in the code." I instruct SeungMin and JeongIn as I park the car on the side of the street.

"You're telling me—that this is your getaway place—like this—this just isn't fair." SeungMin complains as he and JeongIn follow me toward the gate.

I type the code in and push the gate open for the two to go inside. I turn back toward the car to see HyunJin still sitting in the front seat. He doesn't move a muscle—there's no sign that he plans on getting out of the car.

"Go inside—don't make a mess—don't touch HyunJin's things, either." I warn as I shut the gate and make my way back toward the car. I open the passenger door and kneel down next to HyunJin.

I can't do much given we're out in the open, but I can still try to comfort him and figure out what's wrong. I thought he'd be happy to come back here. He had so many ideas for so many new paintings—yet he doesn't want to leave the car.

Is he mad at me for bringing SeungMin and JeongIn? I know I should've asked—but I had to get them out of there before they said something stupid enough to make Felix crack. Felix looked terrified and I couldn't stand seeing him get worse.

"What's wrong, Jinnie?" I ask softly, not wanting to draw any attention to us.

HyunJin doesn't say a word. He just lowers his head and sniffles. Has he been crying the entire ride? How didn't I notice? He was sitting right next to me. I take his hand in mine and squeeze.

"Let's talk inside, Baby. Someone might see us out here." I attempt to get him out of the car, but he doesn't budge. He swallows hard and slips his hand from mine.

"What'd I do wrong? You have to talk to me, Jinnie. You know I don't mean it. I'm not used to being in a relationship. I'm used to caring for every single one of you. I don't know what you don't like if you don't tell me." I encourage him quietly as I rest my hand on his thigh.

"You—You didn't ask what I wanted. You didn't ask if it was okay to bring them here—you just did it. My paintings, Chan. They're gonna see all of my paintings. The one I didn't finish—it's still on my easel." HyunJin's voice is soft as he does his best to tell me what's bothering him.

"Shit—what'd you do with the picture? Is it still laying there?" I get to my feet suddenly really worried. I hadn't thought any of this through.

"Right next to the easel." HyunJin swallows hard and fights back tears.

He's scared. They might think differently of him. He's worried they might think he's disgusting—I can see it in his eyes. He doesn't want them to think lowly of him. He's their hyung. He wants to keep a good image in front of them. If they see his painting and the picture—it will more than likely change everything.

"It's okay, Baby. I'll go get it. You just—please come inside. We can talk in the bedroom while they watch tv or something. Please." I smooth his hair down and fight the urge to press my lips to his. I can't do it here. I can't kiss him somewhere someone could see.

It's not particularly crowded around here. In fact it's fairly desolate. Most of the people who live around here are older couples, but still. I can't risk it. I can't risk his image for my own selfish gain. He comes first. He always will.

I get to my feet and make my way toward the gate. I quickly slip inside to see the boys messing around in the kitchen. I step into the house and head straight for HyunJin's easel. My heart drops the moment I see someone already moved it. SeungMin looks over at me—his eyes meet mine. He lifts his finger to his lips for a short moment before spinning around to mess with JeongIn.

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