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ChangBin's POV

"Binnie—" Felix whines softly as I rub small circles into his hip.

"Hm? What's wrong, Lix?" I tilt my head a bit to look down at him.

"I feel bad." Felix sighs as he trails his fingertips over my bare chest.

"You feel bad—why? You didn't do anything wrong. If anyone did it was me. I was really rough on you earlier." I mumble as I glance over at JiSung and MinHo.

They both passed out fairly quickly after we got back. MinHo was awake maybe ten minutes longer than JiSung, but he was more than preoccupied with JiSung's body on top of him. He peppered delicate kisses across JiSung's cheeks and smiled at his peaceful face. It was adorable.

"We took Channie and Jinnie's safe place. Then we came home and interrupted Sung and Min. You weren't too rough earlier—I liked it." Felix's thoughts shift rapidly.

"Channie and Jinnie insisted we go. They wanted us to have some time together. If it makes you feel better—us being gone actually gave MinHo and JiSung time alone. They had the room to themselves. If they were going to do something—they would've done it then. I don't think we interrupted much of anything—just cuddling. Aren't you sore? I'm pretty sure I left marks." I continue to carry on two conversations at once.

"I know—it's just—it's Channie—he's always putting everyone else first. He might've just done it for us—did he even ask Jinnie? I just—I can't help but feel bad. We're with Min and Sung. They have Innie in the room with them. They probably won't do anything because they're scared they'll get caught. They say it's not a big deal—but I don't know if I believe them. I'm sore—but it's okay. Not sore enough to cause problems. I'll sleep it off." Felix tilts his head a bit to look at me.

"Stop worrying about it, Lixie. I promise they aren't mad. If you want to keep talking—we should probably go out into the living room. I don't want to wake them up." I glance over to see JiSung squirm a bit. He scrunches his nose up before rubbing at it.

Without a word, Felix slips away from me and gets to his feet. I follow after him and we step into the living room. I pull Felix back toward me as my eyes fall on Chan and HyunJin.

Chan's lips are attacking HyunJin's throat while HyunJin sits in his lap facing him. HyunJin's eyes are shut tightly and his arms are secured around Chan's waist loosely. Felix swallows hard and turns to bury his face in my chest. He clearly feels bad for interrupting. If he hadn't had wanted to keep talking we wouldn't have walked into it—but it's not his fault. It's not like we knew.

"Uh—Chan—" I awkwardly rub at my neck and shift my gaze away from them.

"Hm—shit." Chan pulls away from HyunJin startled by our presence.

"Sorry—we thought everyone was sleeping." HyunJin mumbles as he rests his head on Chan's shoulder.

Neither of them seem ashamed by the fact they got caught. They just seem a bit embarrassed. They hadn't intended on anyone seeing them. Truthfully—they weren't even doing anything that heated. HyunJin wasn't grinding down on Chan. They were fully clothed.

I know seeing them like that probably made Felix feel even more guilty. He's going to assume they couldn't do anything because we were using their place—but I don't really think they had intentions of doing anything. Just like I don't think MinHo and JiSung had intentions of doing anything. They just wanted to be close.

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