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JeongIn's POV

"Minnie?" I mumble as I gently shake his shoulders.

"Hm?" SeungMin groans as he lifts his arm to cover his eyes.

"Channie and Jinnie aren't here. I checked everywhere." I tug on his arm anxiously. It's not like them to just up and disappear—especially not Chan.

"Are ChangBin and Felix—ChangBin and Felix are not." MinHo peeks his head in the room then slips into the room with JiSung attached at his hip.

"Wait—what's going on?" SeungMin sits up groggily finally able to slightly take in the situation.

"All four of them are gone. I mean—they could've went to the store or something—but we've been up an hour and they still haven't come home yet." MinHo scratches at the back of his neck as he tries to take the situation in.

"Clearly they went somewhere together. All four of them wouldn't be missing unless they were together." JiSung speaks up as he rubs at his eyes. He was clearly still sleeping—even if MinHo said they both were up.

"I mean—they could—Chan and Jin could've went to their place together last night after Bin and Lix got back. Then Lix and Bin might've gone to the store or something. Honestly—who knows. Did you try calling them?" SeungMin finally seems to be fully aware of what's going on.

"I tried Bin, but no answer." MinHo explains as I reach over to grab my phone.

"I'll try Channie." I mumble as I scroll through my contacts for his number. I click it and put my phone on speaker.

"I swear to god if he doesn't answer I'm going to assume the worst." MinHo sighs as he falls down at the end of the bed and pulls JiSung into his lap.

"Hm?" Chan's voice is still thick with sleep as he picks up.

"Yah! Where the hell are you? Are Bin and Lix with you? Is Jinnie there?" SeungMin scolds as he picks up my phone.

"Ah—sorry—we're fine. I promise. I won't go into detail—but everyone is alright." Chan is quick to wake up the moment he realizes what's going on.

"Bin and Lix—are they with you?" MinHo hops in—seriously worried about Felix and ChangBin.

"Yeah—they're here." Chan confirms as someone groans. Chan hushed them and audibly pats their thigh.

"Where exactly is here?" JiSung questions as he smirks. He clearly has something in mind—but I have no idea what he's thinking.

"Our place—it's nothing. I know what you're thinking, JiSung." Chan is quick to try and shut him down, but the others seem to grow intrigued.

"Yeah. Sure." SeungMin chuckles as he pulls me into his lap.

"He's lying. It's what you're thinking." HyunJin grumbles groggily.

"Stop it—they're sleeping—you don't know how they feel about you telling everyone." Chan scolds quietly.

"Well—you should wake them up. Our manager is on his way. You've got like ten minutes." MinHo warns as he holds JiSung tightly.

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