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MinHo's POV

"Sung—" I stop midsentence as I slip into the bedroom. My heart catches in my throat the moment I lay eyes on him. He's dead asleep—yet he looks as gorgeous as ever. I can't help but want to kiss his chubby cheeks.

"Min—hm—" JiSung whines in his sleep as he squirms uncomfortably. I chuckle softly and make my way over to his bed. I kneel down next to it and lay my head on my arms. I watch his adorable little face as he scrunches his nose up.

I should wake him up so he can eat, but I don't want to mess with him. He looks so cute and innocent like this. He really needs the rest, too. I could just put the soup away and heat it up for him when he wakes up on his own.

I glance toward the door. If I'm going to put it away—I should probably go do it—but I don't want to. I don't want to leave his side. He said my name in his sleep—he must be dreaming about me. What if it turns into a nightmare and I'm not here? What if he wakes up scared and I'm no where to be found? Wouldn't that only make things worse for him?

"MinHo Hyung—please—" JiSung whimpers as he rests his arm over his eyes. He hums contently as I sit up to tug his blanket up a bit.

I freeze as my arm brushes against something and JiSung lets out a low moan. I swallow hard as my eyes slowly move toward his groin. He's hard—like so hard it has to hurt. I quickly get to my feet and turn away—embarrassed beyond belief. I shouldn't have seen that—I shouldn't have touched him. Of course—it wasn't intentional. I didn't even know it was a problem—until I just happened to brush my arm against it. He won't be mad at me—right? I didn't mean it.

What am I saying—he's the one saying my name while he's hard. He's the one who should be embarrassed. He's the one who should feel bad—not me. He's the one who was clingy today. I could've went the entire live without touching him—okay—that's a lie—but I wouldn't have touched him as much as he touched me. He wanted to feel as much of me against him as humanly possible without making it blatantly obvious.

"Hyung—ah—" JiSung groans softly as he bucks his hips up unconsciously. My throat grows dry at the sight and I can't help but lick my lips reflexively.

"JiSung-ah—" I state a little louder than before and clear my throat in hopes of waking him up. I can't stand it anymore. I love the kid to death—but this is a little too much for me at this moment.

"Fuck—hmm—" JiSung mumbles groggily as he rolls onto his side. He reaches up to rub at his eyes before looking at me. The moment everything seems to connect in his head, his face grows red and hides behind his hands.

"I'm sorry—I just—I had no control over it—don't hate me." JiSung's mumbles are muffled by his hands, but it's clear as day what he's saying. He's scared I'm going to be mad at him for having a not so friendly dream about me—but he's right—he had no control over it.

"It's okay, Sungie. How are you feeling? Do you want to eat? Do you need something?" I try to brush the awkward situation off as quickly as possible as I awkwardly rub at my arm. I can't meet his gaze—my eyes are glued to my feet—waiting for him to roll back over to sleep. I'm scared of what he might want from me. I know I shouldn't be—he's JiSung—he's more gentle than a butterfly. He won't do a thing without permission—especially when it comes to whatever was going on in his dream—but part of me is still worried.

"I—I'm fine." JiSung slowly sits upright. He sniffles a bit and rubs at his throat uncomfortably. He swallows hard and grimaces.

"Don't lie to me. Do you want a drink? I can get you something warm—something cold—whatever you want." I offer immediately after picking up on his discomfort. He's still not feeling well—but he won't admit it. He's worried about causing problems in our schedule. He doesn't like missing out and he doesn't like making it so we have to cancel or reschedule.

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