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JiSung's POV

"Uh—fuck—" I groan as I rub at my temples.

I glance over at where MinHo should be, but come up empty. He must've slipped out while I slept. I glance over to see ChangBin and Felix's arms and legs entangled with one another's.

"I'm kind of worried." MinHo's voice catches my attention from the living room. I look toward the cracked door to see Chan cleaning up—MinHo not within my line of sight.

"Why?" Chan's quick to play into his game. He always is. He's constantly tossing himself into a mix of complaints and nonsense—just for our sake.

"It's after ten and Sung is still sleeping. Do you think he's sick, too?" MinHo lays his concerns out on the table in search of reassurance.

"Think about what time you went to sleep—if he's still in bed after one or two—then you can get worried. He's just catching up on all the sleep he's missed. We all should. We've got two weeks to rest and hopefully everyone gets better quickly. Jinnie was positive—that means the others are more than likely positive, too. I mentioned the others and they said not to bring them in and just assume that's what it is. They seemed pretty sure that they would get through it no problem though. So—if Sung is sick—he should be fine." Chan insists as his phone goes off.

"Yeah?" Chan answers the call as I get to my feet.

I close my eyes and let my muscle memory lead me toward the door. I quietly tug it open then shut it behind me. I open my eyes to see MinHo looking up at me from the couch. He smiles and pats his thigh. I yawn as I make my way toward him and plop down in his lap.

"Mhm—Baby—you look so cute." MinHo whispers softly as he brushes my hair from my face.

I rub at my eyes as I lean my head back against his shoulder. He wraps his arms around my waist and I place my hands on top of his.

"Did you sleep well? It looks like you did—your hair is a mess, Baby." MinHo chuckles as Chan falls down at the counter to comfortably continue his call.

I nod silently and fight the urge to fall back to sleep. My head hurts, but being held helps even everything out. He makes me feel better just from being here.

"Sung? You okay? Are you feeling sick?" MinHo begins to worry some more, but I pat his thigh reassuringly.

"Just a headache." I mumble and glance toward the bedroom door as it creaks open.

"Dad—" HyunJin closes his mouth the moment he sees Chan lift his finger to his lips. Chan holds his hand out for him and HyunJin quietly makes his way toward him.

HyunJin looks rough—he has dark bags under his eyes and he looks pale. He coughs a bit as Chan wraps his arm around his slender waist.

"Is it bad, Baby? Do you want some medicine?" MinHo asks as he presses his lips to the top of my head.

I shake my head and lean over to grab the throw blanket from the back of the couch. I wrap it around myself and adjust my position in his lap so my back touches the arm of the couch. His arm helps support me as I rest my head against his chest.

"How are you feeling Prince?" Chan asks as he sets his phone back down on the counter.

"Like shit." HyunJin replies as Chan situates him between his legs. He rests his hand on his hip before reaching up to cup his face with the other.

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