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MinHo's POV

"Do you want to go out, Baby?" I ask softly as JiSung carefully trails his fingertips across my bare chest. I play with his hair as I watch his beautiful face.

"Hm?" He tilts his head back a bit to meet my gaze and I can't help but chuckle.

He was so engrossed with feeling my skin beneath his that he didn't hear a word I said. I can't blame him though. We've both spent the last two hours wrapped in a comfortable blanket of silence. It felt nice. We just sat with the feeling of one another and let everything else fade from our thoughts. This is exactly what I was telling SeungMin to do—enjoy the little things—even the silence. Sometimes the silence is all it takes to make a connection deeper. The moment you're able to sit casually in silence with someone is the moment you know they get you.

With JiSung—he's not a talkative person. If there's nothing nagging at his thoughts, he doesn't say much. When there is something bothering him or he's in a particularly playful mood—it can be hard to get him to stop talking. The moment we laid down together, I was able to tell where the moment would go. He seemed distant after our talk. He was lost in his head and I knew it was best to let him be and not try to pull him out. It's not like I didn't have things to think about, too.

"Do you want to go out and do something? It's still pretty early—we could go get coffee or something. As long as we don't kiss or anything—no one will say anything if they see us. They actually might be happy we're together." I reach out to gently brush his hair from his face.

"Oh—I mean—do we have to? I don't really want to go anywhere." JiSung mumbles hesitantly as he takes my hand in his. He places a gentle kiss in the center of my palm before smiling happily.

"We don't have to—I just thought it might be nice to get out of the awkward air for a bit. I'm kinda scared what the living room looks like. Felix looked like he was going to strangle ChangBin earlier. If you don't want to go—I might run and grab a coffee then come back just so I can get some fresh air." I smile as he puckers his lips up expectantly. I kiss him softly before pulling back to see him pout.

"More." JiSung begs like a child asking for more candy before dinner.

"Greedy little Baby aren't we? What do we say?" I tease as I ghost my lips over his. He tries to close the gap between us, but I take his jaw in my grasp to keep him still.

"Please—please give me more kisses." JiSung whispers breathily as his eyes scream out for more attention.

"One." I state firmly as I tilt his head back to give myself better access to his pouty lips. It's not quick nor long. It's not hard nor soft. It's the perfect kiss for the most perfect boy.

"If I go with can I have another?" JiSung asks as he rests his forehead against mine.

"I'm not going to make you do something you don't want to do just to get a kiss, Sungie. If you want another you can have it. You don't have to come with." I frown at the thought of giving him something as simple as a kiss in return for making him face potential crowds and uncomfortable situations.

"Can I have one more kiss, please?" JiSung asks innocently as he pulls back to meet my gaze.

"Of course, Baby—then I need to go change." I explain softly as I gently trail my fingers over his lips.

"Not there." JiSung's cheeks grow red and I can't help but smile at his embarrassment.

"Where at? Where does my Baby want a kiss? Hm?" I purr as I patiently wait for him to speak up.

"H—here." JiSung swallows hard as he quickly lays down and points at his stomach.

"My Sungie wants a kiss on his tummy—how cute." I tease as I lean down to place a soft kiss just above the waist of his sweatpants—that honestly are riding a lot lower than they should be.

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