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SeungMin's POV

"Come on." I groan as I drag JeongIn into the building. He's been so distracted by the game on his phone that he almost ran into a handful of people on our walk home. I give up and leave him behind—not wanting to deal with him any longer. He made it to the lobby—I'm sure he'll make it upstairs on his own. I patiently wait for the elevator without a second glance at him.

"Ow!" JeongIn whines as his phone lands on the ground next to my feet. I look up to see him rubbing his forehead and glaring at the wall.

"You hurt the wall. It didn't hurt you. Now suck it up and come get your phone." I sigh and bend down to pick up his phone. I hold it out for him and he takes it while pouring.

We step into the elevator and he slips his phone into his pocket. I turn towards him and take his face in my hands. I gently trail my fingers over the slight red mark on his forehead. He grimaces, but doesn't pull back.

"You'll be okay. It'll just be sore for a bit." I mumble as I pull back and rub at my throat. I'm starting to regret sharing a drink with JiSung earlier. I just thought his throat was bothering him because he over worked his voice—but I'm starting to think I was wrong.

"Are you okay?" JeongIn questions as looks over at me. I nod and wave him off as I unzip my bag to grab my water bottle. I take a sip and hope and pray I don't get as bad as JiSung looked earlier.

"My throat is a little sore, but it's probably nothing. We've all been working our butts off—I probably just need to take a break from singing so much." I reassure him as he narrows his eyes at me. No matter how much we bicker, we both truly care about one another. He's worried. He saw how bad JiSung was and he knows that it all started with a headache and a sore throat.

"Are you sure? You don't have a fever or anything—right?" JeongIn presses the back of his hand to my forehead while I glare at him. He pulls away with a frown.

"You're warm—not like super warm—but warm." JeongIn slips out of the elevator and grabs my arm. He tugs me out after him and drags me down the hall toward the dorm.

"I'm fine, JeongIn. I just need some rest. I'm clearly not as bad off as JiSung is. Besides—you need to get some ice on your head. It's looking rough already." I chuckle as I reach up to touch the small bump that's slowly starting to bruise. He grimaces as he types in the code and tugs the door open.

"It's not that bad—is it?" JeongIn questions as he slips inside after me. I toss my bag down on the ground and turn toward him.

"No, I'm sure you'll live. It might just be a little sore. Let's just get some ice on it." I instruct casually as I make my way toward the fridge. I tug the freezer open and search through it for an ice pack. I'm sure there has to be at least one in there with the amount of minor injuries we get on the daily.

"I'm gonna go look at it." JeongIn makes his way down the hall toward the bathroom and I hope and pray he doesn't wake JiSung up. The last thing we need is him being even more exhausted than he already was just because JeongIn bumped his head.

"Be quiet, Innie." I call after him softly. I stop in my tracks the moment I hear soft sounds coming from the bedroom. I swallow hard and close my eyes. It's not what I think it is. I'm just imagining things. It's been a long day and I'm ready for bed. That's all it is--right?

I turn on my heel and hurry back toward the fridge as JeongIn slips out of the bathroom. He stops for a moment in front of JiSung and MinHo's room and listens, but quickly brushes it off as nothing. The moment he sits on the stool across from me, I hand him the ice pack and immediately make my way down the hall toward the bathroom to shower. I close the door behind me and press my back against it.

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