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ChangBin's POV

"Are you okay, Sung? I was going to take a quick shower." I mumble as JiSung sits in the couch and pulls his knees up to his chest. He nods and rests his chin on his knees.

"I'll leave the door unlocked in case you need me." I state calmly as I slip into the bedroom to get clean clothes.

The moment I step back out—JiSung's eyes are filled with tears and his hands are trembling. I toss my clothes on the desk and sit down next to him. He closes his eyes tightly and tries to calm himself down, but he can't. I glance over to see his phone unlocked and Bubble opened. Stay must've said something to him about earlier.

"I'm okay." JiSung lies as he quickly locks his phone.

"I can sit with you, Sung. It's not a big deal. MinHo and them should be back soon. I can take a shower then." I wrap my arm around him and pull him closer—trying to help calm him as much as I can.

"It's just—I—I didn't mean to say it. I didn't know he was live—I didn't know he put me on speaker. Now—now everyone is teasing me about it—I know they don't mean any harm—but I can't help it. I can't think straight. I can't breathe. The more I let myself linger on the thought—the more I want to just hide in a dark corner and cry." JiSung admits as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"Sungie—it's okay. It's nothing you haven't done before. They already know you guys have pet names for each other. Honestly—I think it'd be weird if you didn't have pet names for each other." I reassure him, but I know it's useless. MinHo and the others have been gone for almost an hour. They really should be back any minute.

"Do—Do you think Min would be—be mad if I called?" JiSung sniffles as he glances over at his phone.

"He wouldn't be mad, Sungie. You know he wouldn't be." I sigh as I realize how useless I am in this situation. I wrap my arms around him tightly and squeeze.

"Can I call him? He—he should almost be here—right?" JiSung questions as he reaches up to rub at his eyes.

"You can call him, Sungie. If you want to—then do it. He won't be upset." I reassure him as I pull back. I cup his face and trail my thumbs over his cheeks to dry his tears.


"Thanks, Bin." MinHo mumbles as he slips into the bedroom.

"For what? I didn't do anything." I lock my phone and set it on the bed next to me. I stare up at the bottom of SeungMin's bunk in hopes of getting out of whatever MinHo came here for.

"You did a hell of a lot." MinHo sits down next to me as I fold my arms behind my head and close my eyes.

"I know it's later than I had intended—but dinner is done. I promised you I'd cook for everyone. I told the others they had to wait for you to eat first." MinHo pats my thigh and smiles weakly as he stands back up.

"Oh—yeah—I forgot about that." I slowly get to my feet and slip my phone into my pocket.

"Come eat—you'll have to tell us if it's good. We worked really hard. Well—I was in charge of directing everyone—so it should at least be edible—unless they really didn't listen. It looks decent—hopefully it tastes decent." MinHo rambles as he locks arms with me and leads me out of the bedroom.

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