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MinHo's POV

"Call Hannie? Why? You've got me. Aren't I enough?" I pout as I stare at the phone in front of me.

I pick up my own phone and start scrolling through the comments. I swallow hard as I read through some of them. Most of them are casual—asking me random questions—while some of them are going deeper. They're bringing up the pictures of JiSung having an anxiety attack at the café. They don't need to know anymore than they already do. He's okay now. Isn't that all that matters?

"What's the roommate situation? Hm—we were actually thinking about switching rooms, but I don't want to." I try to shift the focus from JiSung to all of us. If it can't be on me, I don't want it to be put directly on him. He isn't even here to answer for himself.

"Me? I'm with Hannie right now. It's just the two of us. I think Lix and SeungMin wanted to switch—but I don't know—we're supposed to talk about it later." I shrug as I recall our actual situation.

We're moving dorms. The new one is even more snug than the one we're in now—it's nicer—but smaller. We're going to be four to a room. JiSung and I won't have our little safe haven—which worries me. JiSung needs his space. If his anxiety gets bad—he needs a place he can be alone and engulfed in silence. If there's three of us that have to be in there with him—it's going to be impossible for him to find a safe space to calm down.

"Oh—so I was talking to ChangBin earlier—we were planning on going to the gym together tonight—but he wanted to go out to eat before we went because we'll be sweaty and tired after—this kid—the restaurant he wanted to go to—Lee Know's restaurant. He wants me to make him dinner. So after I finish here—I'm meeting Hannie and Minnie to go get groceries. Minnie is going to help me make dinner for everyone." I fill them in on the little adventure we planned last minute to appease ChangBin.

"Speaking of Hannie—" I smile brightly as I glance down at my ringing phone. I hit answer and immediately put it on speaker without thinking.

"Baby—when are we meeting?" JiSung asks casually and I swallow hard. I do my best to keep my composure and not expose us.

"Ah—when I finish my live." I tap my foot anxiously beneath the table.

"Oh—you're live? Am I on speaker?" JiSung's voice wavers a bit.

"Yeah—say hi to Stay." I encourage as innocently as I can. If I can make this move a little quicker and act as if nothing happened—maybe they won't bring it up.

"H—hi Stay! I hope you're taking good care of Lee Know Hyung!" JiSung tries to put on a cheerful tone in hopes of covering up his anxiety.

"I'll let you know when I finish up, Hannie. It shouldn't be much longer. It's gonna take a while to get everything prepped for dinner, so the sooner the better." I move to end our conversation so he can go try and calm himself down.

"Okay—bye Stay!" JiSung is more than willing to abandon the call.

I hang up and set my phone down before glancing toward the one in front of me. My face stares back at me and I hope and pray no one else can see the concern laced within my expression.

"I should go. Hannie and Minnie are waiting." I mumble as I hesitantly unlock my phone to look at comments.

"You should do a live while you cook."

"Why does Hannie call you Baby?"

"Hannie calls you Baby?!"

"What do you call Hannie?"

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