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HyunJin's POV

"Do you think they—you know—on the couch?" I question as I lean down to press my lips to Chan's jaw from behind.

"I doubt it. I told them they could do whatever, but they aren't the type of people to do it so carelessly. They prefer to do it on their own terms in a safer location." Chan shuts me down almost immediately as he reaches up to tangle his fingers in my hair.

"I guess you're right." I sigh. Chan turns his head to capture my lips softly.

"Hmm—my little Prince—I love you." Chan hums happily as he spins his chair around to pull me into his lap.

"I love you, too." I chuckle softly as I rest my head on his shoulder. I yawn and close my eyes.

"My little Prince is tired—sleep—get lots of sleep. I'll wake you up when I'm done working." Chan insists as he rubs at my back. He turns his chair back toward his desk and goes back to working on the new song.

"Channie?" I mumble as I press a soft kiss to his throat.

"Hm? What is it, Prince?" Chan rests his cheek on top of my head and hums.

"Are we the reason Innie and Minnie were so distant today? I mean—we may have crossed the line with Lix and Bin—did that upset them?" I question as I recall how awkward they were earlier—not just with each other—but with everyone. They seemed like they were stuck in their heads and it kind of scared me.

"I took care of it. There's nothing to worry about." Chan reassures me as I rest my hand on his chest.

"Was it from us? That's all I want to know. Ever since I suggested it—the call with them this morning—I've been regretting it. Lix hasn't said much to me. Neither has Bin. I fucked up—didn't I?" I whisper as I chew on my bottom lip. Chan reaches out to close his laptop before forcing me to sit upright.

"Baby—you didn't do anything wrong. Everyone is just processing it differently. Don't worry about it, Jinnie. I promise that I'll make sure everything is fine. I'll make sure everyone is okay—I always do—don't I?" Chan searches my eyes for submission. He's trying to convince me to let him handle everything on his own—but I can't let him.

He always does it all on his own. He always goes out of his way to make sure everyone else is happy and healthy, but he's the one who suffers the most. He got less sleep than the rest of us last night—yet here he is—working. He hasn't had time to eat much today—when he did—he fed us. It doesn't help his hands are bad—but he doesn't let it stop him from working. His happiness is tossed aside because of his wrists. He can't work out. He can't enjoy himself. He's stuck in a rut—even if he won't admit it.

"Stop it." I snap as I slap his chest roughly.

"Ow—what the hell was that for?" Chan looks at me baffled as he rubs at his chest.

"Stop it—just—stop doing everything yourself. You haven't been yourself—you're overworking yourself even more than usual. After sex last night you went and worked—does that even make sense? Bin and Lix cuddled. I was left alone. I knew you just needed a moment to think—but it hurt. I don't like seeing you like that—like this." I lower my gaze as Chan lets out a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry, Baby. I didn't even think about it—I just—I needed something to distract me. I should've let you be my distraction. Can you forgive me, Jinnie? Please." Chan swallows hard as he runs his hands up and down my thighs.

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