Ch.1 Silence

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Hey guys! I'm back after forever being away! As some of you guys saw that my story "Do you remember that day?" Is gone. Well I have decided to re-write it and this is story is the re-written version! I hope you guys enjoy! ^^ Feel free to leave comments!


Chapter 1 -Silence

"BREAKING NEWS! A tragic accident took place in the streets of New York. A young girl today just recently got hit by a truck." Said reporter one. Reporter two with all sincerity replied "More like a heroic action to save a friend. Is how I would say it!" They both looked at each other and reported one continued. "Her current condition is unknown and we sadly do not know the name of this brave little soul."

"Updates about her condition will be brought to you as soon a we get them so stay tuned on channel 5 news." Reporter two pause and then continued "We will be right back after this commercial break."

--The news feed cuts to commercial.--


5 month earlier....

*Naomi's POV

Today is the day I start singing lessons! I know I am only 5 but I am going to be a famous singer!

As I ate my breakfast which was a delicious slice of toast with Nutella on it, my mom packed my lunch, tomato soup and grilled cheese! Yum! I can't wait for lunch now.

"Alright honey let's get going I have to drop you off at your singing class and I am sure you don't want to be late!" She said as she put my lunch box in my back pack.

I drank the rest of my milk in one gulp. Then I jumped off the chair almost falling and threw my coat on. "Ready mom!" I said with a the excitement I could say it with. My mom giggled and grabbed her keys and we walked out the door.

On the way to singing practice I was starting to get nervous about the different people I would meet. I wondered how they would react to me, what they would think of me. After all the school that I am attending in no other that 3 Capital Academy: Singers Summer Course!

3 Capital Academy is a place where all the rich kids go. Man I wish I could attend this school for my real schooling. This place is so pretty! Beautiful flowers. Huge stone walls. The best part is that it isn't in the congested city it is just outside of it!

My mom parked the car, as she got out I unbuckled my seat belt and opened my door. My mom grabbed my hand and we walked into the school. As we walked I noticed propel staring at us. They were also whispering to each other. My moms face soon became very serious as we walked in.

I tugged on my mom'a hand and asked "Mom are you okay?"

She looked down at me with a gentle smile and said "everything is fine sweetie just some people at this school don't like people like me that's all"

I looked at her in confusion thinking "who wouldn't love my mom she is the best she makes me sandwiches and tomato soup she also tucks me in at night a reads to me. She is awesome. Best mom award would definitely go to her." I snapped out of my thought when I saw my classroom. The ceiling was really tall and the walls where painted a beautiful warm brown. The widows where stained glass with beautiful picture on them. I saw the whole class of students look at us and then the teacher asked " Is your name Naomi Taylor?"

I smiled and said "yes! That's my name don't wear it out!" Then I giggled.

The teacher smiled and the turned to the rest if the class and introduced me!

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