Ch. 20 Track Team

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Hello! Welcome back! I have gotten so much awesome feedback from you guys and I just really wanted to thank you! You guys, you know who you are, who keep voting for my stories and commenting on almost every chapter or just the continuous silent readers, I really appreciate you! So yeah thanks. Any way if you haven't already go check out my new story "The Life Games"! So without further or do, let's get started!


Naomi's POV

Ugh.. My head is killing me.

My house stinks like burning plastic, it's a rotten smell, and it makes me get a headache every time I smell it.

I get up, it's 6:45 am and I have to get ready for school. I stand up and put my leg braces on and then proceed to walk over to my dresser, I pull out a pair of shorts and a girly looking t-shirt and put them on. I then grab my bag and phone and make my way to the kitchen.

"Dad?" I spoke into silence.

"Hello?" I asked again.

"Oh well I guess" I say as I walk into the kitchen.

I go to the refrigerator and go to open in but there is a note on the front if the refrigerator. It reads:

Naomi, I got called into work early this morning, I can't drive you to school so I called Zach's mom to pick you up and drop you off at school. Sorry.

Ohh, okay I see, great now I got to deal with Zach, I just know he is going to ask about what happened two nights ago. I've ignored his text and call and I haven't really left my house since then, I just really don't want to deal with the situation about to come my way.


I hear a quiet knock on the door and a familiar voice ask "hello? Naomi are you there? I came to bring you to school."

"Oh great, here we go.." I say under my breathe as I walk towards the door. I put my hand on the door handle and unlatch the lock. I then slowly open the door.

"Hey Zach." I says to him inviting him in.

"I haven't seen you in like forever!" Zach exclaims as he picks me up and hugs me.

I scream from the sudden shock, and then blush of embarrassment.

He laughs and says "have you eaten yet?"

"No I haven't" I replied.

"Good! My mom wanted to stop and dunkin donuts and get some foo-" Zach says but is cut off by the ringing of his cell phone.

"Excuse me. Hello?" Zach says as he wanders the phone.

I stand there not really knowing what to do.

"What you want me to pick you up? Dude come on get your mom to drive you." Zach says.

"I don't care."

"Yeah I guess you have a point. Ugh fine man but you owe me!" Zach says as he hangs up the phone.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"That was Kano. He want me to pick him up so we are going to go get dunkins and then go get him." He says and then finished with a laugh.

"Okay." I said as I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door. "Shall we go then?" I said as I grabbed the door handle.

He laughed and said "sure let's go."

Zach walked beside me as we made our way down stairs and out to the car. I got in the back and so did Zach.

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