Ch. 31 We need to talk

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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I don't really have much to say about this chapters except it's about to go down. So here we go!


Zach's POV

"We need to talk Kano." I said to Kano as we walked to the classroom.

"Okay, when." He said as he stopped.

"Now." I said as I grabbed his shirt and walked down the stairs to the basement level where the locker rooms are.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Kano asked as he crossed his arms.

"Do you really love Naomi?" I asked as I turned away from him.

"Yeah I guess I do, you know I did ask her out so." He said nonchalantly.

"You guess?" I said as I looked over my shoulder.

"Yeah." He said.

I turn around and walk up to him and push him up against the wall which catches him off guard.

"Woah! What's the deal!?" He said as he grabbed my wrists.

"I swear to god, if you break her heart or hurt her in anyway, you will not like me. You have no idea how much I love her. She cries one tear, or sobs once. You and I are not going to get along." I said with all my anger pouring out of every word I spoke.

He looked at me shocked. I guess he didn't know that his cool tempered friend, can actually get pissed.

"She means the world to me, and I will protect her from the likes of you, you play girls and break their hearts because a new interesting girl comes and takes their place. I know you! Don't you dare even think about cheating on her. It will be the worse mistake of your life." I said as I pushed him harder against the wall and walked away leaving him on the locker room floor.


Kano's POV

I sit there on the locker room floor scared shitless. Zach is scary when he is mad. Why would he think that I would do that to Naomi? I would never. I never do that. Wait actually I did do that to Rebecca, and there was that other girl, and then I did dump Samantha for Naomi. Oh what ever. I guess he has a point. I didn't know he loved her that much. Well sorry bud, you are a bit to late to get Naomi. She is mine now.

I get up an brush myself off. I walk over to the mirror and I look horrible. I look like I just saw a ghost. What ever I have to get back to class anyway.

---------END OF CHAPTER 31---------

Sorry for the short chapter! I hope you enjoyed it though! I thought that this chapter should just focus and the growing rift between Zach and Kano.

So, now that Zach has made himself crystal clear, is Kano going to change his ways? Or keep being a cold hearted playboy?

Keep reading to find out!

See ya in the next chapter!

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