Ch. 33 This is Diffferent.

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Hello everyone! I have noticed that my reads have gone down quite a bit, but I am going to continue to post this story! I am saying this in hope that you will share this story to your friends and family! Trust me this story isn't going to get boring anytime soon!


Naomi's POV

It's been two weeks since me and Kano started dating, all the girls at school are talking to me, asking me questions about him. What he likes, what is his favorite color? Has he kissed you yet? Are you guys going to be together forever? Is it love? Or not?

I am sick and tired of all these stupid questions, they all hang around me because I am dating him, I know that. When ever I am around him they are around me. The make it their mission to not let me have alone time with him. It is really irritating.

"Naomi? NAOMI?!"

"Huh? What?! Sorry Zach what were you saying?" I said rattled.

"I was asking how you are doing, with everything going on, how things have changed." He said as he looked me in the eyes.

"I guess I'm fine, just annoyed. I mean I barely get any time with him, because of all the girls. I can't stand them!" I said with frustration.

"Don't worry if Kano is serious about you, which he should be, cuz you're amazing, after awhile the girls will realize that you are there to stay and will leave you alone." He said as he placed his hand on mine.

"Thank you Zach." I said to him as I looked him in the eyes.

He is the only one I can talk to about this. He gets me. He understands, it's is almost like he is out to protect me, but at the same time isn't. I don't know I am getting mixed feeling from him, the one thing I know, is the I can trust him with anything.


Kano's POV

Man, this sucks, I hate this l, why can't all these girls just leave me the fuck alone! I swear to god, they don't even leave Naomi alone. She is bombarded by questions all day everyday, they never leave her alone. I need alone time with her, just me and her!

Oh! There she is! Wait is Zach with her? What? She looks distraught, I did this didn't I, we've only been dating 2 weeks, and she is already going to Zach for support, that's what I am here for.

They walk out of the coffee shop and Naomi notices me.

"Hey Kano!" She says as a smile stretches across her face and a pinkish glow appears on her cheeks.

"Hey!" I said as I hugged her tight.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Nothing just walking around, I was going to call you to see if you wanted to go get lunch but I guess you already had it." I said as I held her hands and looked down.

"Oh, sorry, maybe we can go to dinner instead!" She said.

This will be the fist time we can hang out alone! I am so excited!

"Yo!" Zach said as he walked up behind Naomi.

"Tch." I said under my breathe.

"Huh? What did ya say?" Zach said as he lean forward.

"Tch" I said more loudly so he can hear me.

"Tch. All you want, buddy, I am hanging out with Naomi." Zach said.

"She is my girlfriend." I said as I took a step towards him.

He took a step towards me and said "oh yeah, well then, if she is your girlfriend why don't you make it more of a priority to hang out with her huh? Why don't you push all the unneeded girls away?"

Silence grew over us like an unneeded weed. He then whispered in my ear "Or is Naomi not enough for you?"

I stepped back enraged by what he just said. I look at him with pure raw flowing out of every crevasse of my body.

He looks at me and smiles with satisfaction.

I turn away and grab Naomi's hand and look her in the eyes.

"Naomi, you know I love you, right?" I said as I put a price of hair behind her ear.

She looked at me and closed her eyes.

"Naomi, I am sorry I didn't push those girls away, from now on I promise. You and you alone are my one and only special someone." I said as I place my hands on her shoulders.

She opens her eyes and looks away from me.

"Can you please look at me?" I said as I looked at her hoping she doesn't end things with me.

I do truly love her! I have just never been in a position like this before all the other girls I was just playing around with, nothing was meant to be serious. Please give me a second chance! Please!

She turns her head back towards me and I notice a single tear streaming down her face.

I couldn't help myself I pulled her into an embrace with all my heart out into it. I can't believe I made her cry, I don't want this to happen again.

I feel and hand on my shoulder, as soon as I felt it I was pulled backwards away from Naomi. I was then spun around, and was face to face with Zach.

"You just made her cry." Zach said as he clenches his fist.



I felt a powerful slam to the center of my face and then a warm stream come out of my nose and down my lips, I can taste the blood. I land on the ground and immediately cover my nose, and look up at him.

"You gonna fight back or what?" Zach said as he stood over me.

"Zach stop!" Naomi bursted.

Zach looked over at Naomi, his expression immediately changed and he backed off and walked over to her.

"I'm sorry Nao, I just care to much I guess." Zach said.

I sit up and look over to see Naomi hysterically crying.

Fuck I messed up...

I pull my hand away from my nose and see the blood, it's on my shirt, on my face, on the ground, everywhere.

"Oh! Kano!" I hear a voice say.

I look over and my consciousness begins to fade.

I feel a warm touch in my hand and open my eyes and see Naomi is crying and looking down at me.


I guess our friendship is over, Zach.

--------- END OF CHAPTER 33 ---------

So with things between Zach and Kano officially cut, what's going to happen next?

Keep reading to find out!

See ya in the next chapter!

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