Ch. 5 Road to Recovery

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Chapter 5: Road to Recovery

*Naomi's POV

"Crystal blue eyes.."

"Did you just say something Naomi?" My dad said in amazement.

"Crystal blue eyes?"

'Ugh why can't I remember?! Blue eyes!! Black hair!! Necklace!!! What do all of these things have in common?'

"You said something! Oh my gosh! Sweetie!! I'm so proud of you" he is now standing up with his hand pushed up into the air with a smile plastered on his face.


It's been 6 months since I woke up... I look at the world completely different now. Oh, I also live in California.. My doctor said it would be easier to move around all year round. So that's what me and my dad did. Plus I kept having night tremors about my accident.

It was a tough 6 months. But I can now talk normally so that's a relief.. But I can't walk without support.. I have these huge braces that are on both of my legs. I also use arm crutches to get around. The braces go from my ankles all the way up to the middle of my thighs. It's okay because I know that in a matter of a few months I should be able to get out of these stupid braces!

I attract a lot of attention when I go out with my dad for everyday things.. I go to physical therapy almost everyday! I would go everyday if I could but the therapist has to have a day off.. Right? I mean it only fair.

It was summer and it was really hot here.. I stayed inside most of the time because it was too hot for me to go out there.. So I watched all of the perfectly tanned people walk the streets around my house.. People here are really pretty...

After days and days of watching people grew boring my dad noticed.. He dug through boxes after boxes... I was wondering what he was doing and then he yelled "yes I found it!" He pulled out a guitar case. And then he handed it to me. "This is yours!" He said with a smile.

I opened the guitar case and saw a beautiful sunset acoustic guitar. "Wow it's so pretty!" I said with extreme enthusiasm.

After that day I taught myself how to use it! Day after day I got better and when I played my guitar out on the Terrace people on the street stopped and listened. When I finished a song sometime people said I did a great job! That made me really happy. Half way through the summer I stopped going to physical therapy.. I didn't know why and my dad didn't tell me.. Instead of going to the therapist I was being tutored...
I was really good at it! It was fun! I love learning!

Soon summer came to a close and my dad seemed more stressed than ever.. I had never seen him like that... He started smoking and drinking... He didn't do around me but I saw the remnants of it.


Today is September 4th, 2017, basically my first day at public school. I got up and made my way to the kitchen where my dad was making my lunch. "Whatcha making?" I said as I sat down at the table.
"I'm making you lunch! It's PB and Fluff sandwich with some fresh fruit." He smiled briefly and then continued making the lunch box. I sat there eating the toast that was there waiting for me watching him make my lunch.

"Alright Naomi let's get you to school." My Dad said as he grabbed his keys and my bag.

"Okay!" I said as I shoved my last bit of toast in my mouth and slowly got up with the help of my arms thrusting my body upwards. I got up and put on my arms crutches and started my way to the door which my dad was holding open.

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