Ch. 19 New Years

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Hey! Welcome back to another chapter of "Do you remember?"!

I know there are some constant readers out there but please make sure you read each and every chapter so you have all the details, because I guarantee you that if you think you don't need the information from chapter 1 in chapter like 26 you are wrong. (Just using those chapters as an example but it is true). so please just make sure you have read everything before continuing!

Thanks and enjoy!


Naomi's POV

Man was Christmas fun. I love the bracelet the Zach gave me, and it was so awesome of Kano to get me those tickets! I don't even know how to thank him. You know what I'll bring him to the concert! That's what I will do!

It's New Year's Eve and I am waiting for Zach and Kano to arrive at my house so we can go to the pier.

It's 5:30 pm now. They said they were going to be here an hour ago.. They haven't showed up or anything. Nothin. No calls or texts. I just sit here on the couch watching the news.

"Oh Naomi, I forgot to tell you Zach called and said to meet Kano at the park at 6pm. He also said that he can't go because of family plans." My dad says as he walks out of the hallway rubbing his had with a towel.

"Oh, uh, okay." I said as I got up. "Well then I better get going." I continued as I grabbed my bag and walked to the door.

"Bye sweetie! Be safe! I will pick you up at the Pier at 12:30am." My dad yelled from the kitchen.

"Okay dad!" I says as I close the door.

Time to go to the park. Wait... I'm going to be alone with, Kano. I'm going to be alone with Kano. This night is going to be interesting if I go. I shouldn't go. I mean like isn't he still dating Samantha. I don't want to... Well I shouldn't just stand him up. Let's go, the night is going to run the way it runs.


I make it to the park and decide to stop and get some lemonade.

"Hello 1 lemonade please." I say to the lemonade man.

"Hey! You were here a few days ago right?" The lemonade man asked.

"Um yeah, I was..." I said as I looked up.

"I'm Jared! Remember I gave you the free lemonade passes." The man said.

"Oh yeah! Hey, how are you?" I said recognizing him.

"I'm doing great now!" Jared said in a flirtatious tone.

"Oh." I said in a flirty way.

He laughs. He is tall, messy blonde hair, with light grey eyes like mine, he is also in the muscular side, and kinda looks like a surfer boy.

"Well I'm glad I could see you again." Jared says as he hands me my lemonade.

"Thank you!" I say as I take the lemonade in my hand a sip it. "Mmmm delicious!" I say and then laugh.

"I'm glad you like it!" Jared says as he smiles.

He looks at me for a few seconds, it makes me blush, I am probably as red as a tomato. He then take a piece of paper and writes something down.

"This is my number! Call or text me anytime!" He says and finished with a wink.

"Oh, okay thank you!" I say as I take the number.

"By the way, I'm just wondering, uh, how old are you?" He asks as he looks at me directly in the eyes.

"I am 14 years old." I said as I took a sip of my drink.

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