Ch. 26 The One Mile Relay

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Hey! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, and I know you this long wait probably killed you guys! Waiting to find out if a Naomi has the stuff or not! Well what are you doing still reading this? Get to the story to find out what happens!


Naomi's POV

The one chance, the one and only chance I got I prove myself, yep I just blew it. I can't believe is this is happening. All I want is to be free! It's all these stupid leg braces fault. If only I never had these, I could run normal. Wait a second, if I didn't have these on, Hmmm.....

"What's this? It appears that the runner for the Hollywood team is ripping off her braces." the announcer says.

I rip off my braces and look behind me, the runners are just start to run the last stretch, come on Naomi, you can do it. Just don't think don't feel, just let go and run.

I close my eyes and stand up. I feel off balance. Not good.

"Come on Naomi!"

"You can do it Nao!"

I hear Kano and Zach yell.

I feel an immense amount of power rushing through my body. My feet start moving on their own, and off I go. I stumble in the beginning but I catch myself and keep running. My feet hitting the ground the rush of wind across my bear legs, and the wind blowing through my braided hair, this is what it feels like to run! I love it. My foot steps grow quicker and quicker. I can hear the footsteps of the other team. They are right behind me.

There it is! That gold ribbon! It's mine! No one else's. I run and run. All of a sudden, I feel I sharp pain go up both my legs. My legs then immediately after, go numb. I can't feel my legs! This is really scary, tears run down my face, the finish line is so close, but at the same time so far!

I close my eyes, it feels like everything goes slow motion for about 2 seconds, I feel the tightness of the ribbon on my stomach and then hear it snap.

I keep running, I open my eyes and see Kano and Zach there in front of me with my leg braces and bottles of water with wide smiles.

"One of you catch me." I yell.

Their expression turn serious and they immediately throw down the water bottles and the leg braces.

I can feel my body falling forward. My body just plain out collapsed, right in the nick of time, they both catch me in their arms and sit me down on the ground.

"You alright?" Kano asked.

"Nao, come on." Zach said as he held my head up.

My body is in shock, I can feel the cold sweet droplets run down my face and all over my body, except for my legs.

"I-I can't move, my legs, I can't feel them, at all." I said as I looked at them with tears welling up in my eyes.

Kano's eyes got really wide and then yelled
"Medic!" You could hear the distress in his voice and see the worry in his bright blue eyes.

"We need a medic over here now!" Zach said as he yelled even louder and had the same worry in is eyes and distress in his voice.

The medics came rushing over by the sudden alert. "What's the matter?" They asked.

"My legs, I can't feel them." I said to them as I pointed at my legs.

"Okay, can you please move your toes for me?" One of the medics ask as then take off my shoes.

I look at my feet and sure enough my toes don't wiggle but they do twitch.

"Okay, Miss Taylor, you are going to be fine. By chance is this you first time running or even walking for that matter without your leg braces?"

"Yes it is." I said.

"Oh, okay that make this entire situation different. How long have you been in those?" The medic asked.

"About 5 years." I said.

"5 years! Well then this makes total sense. You legs aren't used to being used, and you muscles tensed up so hard that is made the blood flow stop therefore making your legs feel numb, and then directly after running on them they freeze and can't move. You are going to be alright. Just stay off you feet for awhile and slowing get back in to running. Okay." The medic said as she put my shoes back on and gathered her things and left the scene.

"So, uh, this might be a stupid question, but did I win?" I asked.

"Oh! I totally forgot about that! But yes you did! You beat them to the line! We are now first in the state!" Zach yelled as he threw his hands up in the air.

"I did! Oh! I am so happy!" I said with a huge smile on my face.

"I told you that you could do it Naomi!" Kano said as he put his hand around my back to help me up.

Zach then did the same this Kano did and helpless up as well. The both kept their arms around me for support.

He got over to our bench and were surrounded by our happy team members! Kano and Zach put my braces back on and helped me stand. The feeling came back in my legs and I could walk again, it still hurt but it was manageable with the help of Zach and Kano.

Our whole team walks over to the awards session. We are called up as the number 1 track team in the state at junior level. We take our picture and get our gold medals.

"Hey Naomi." Jared said as he caught my attention.

"What?" I asked.

"Congradulations, and you won the bet, so stop by the lemonade stand anytime and I will hook ya up with some free lemonade." Jared sad as he playfully tapped my shoulder and then ran off.

After that we headed back to the hotel to stay one last night and then we headed home the next morning.

---------END OF CHAPTER 26---------

So did you guys like this chapter? If so vote for the story and comment what your feelings are after this first climax of the book!

So, Naomi can run now! Well kinda, she is almost there!

So, back down to the serious stuff, now that they are heading home, what is going to happen between Kano, Zach and Naomi?

Feelings growing forever stronger, jealously and hatred float above. Who who will get the girl? Zach? Or Kano?

And what will the other person do when they aren't the one who gets the girl? How will this end?

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

See ya later! ^^

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