Ch. 23 The Challenge

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Hello everyone! Welcome back to another chapter! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter, and I hope you enjoy this chapter too! ^^ alrighty let's get started.


Naomi's POV

So that was an embarrassment. I literally said my team is going to beat the raining champs and then I followed up by saying I don't have a competition. Great. Biggest idiot of all time. Not that I don't have faith in my school it's just that I am probably the worst person to say that our team is going to smoke the raining champs.

I walk through the lobby and see Zach and Kano waiting near the door for the bus to arrive. Our school team is scattered everywhere. I wonder where they sat for breakfast?

"Hey guys! You guys feeling pumped!" I said as I playfully hit both of their shoulders.

They both laughed and then Kano said "You betcha! I can't wait to win the 100 yard sprint."

"Wait, you are running the 100 yard sprint?" I said shocked that I didn't know that.

"Yeah. I am." He said like it was a no brainer.

"I am excited too! I am in the jump and run sprint." Zach said soon after.

Oh great, looks like I am going to have a fight on my hands. Kano you better win this.


Kano's POV

The bus finally arrives and I call out to our coach, who then calls out to the rest f our team. We all file in in the bus. I make sure that I sit next to Naomi. It was awhile back but I want to make sure that she doesn't forget it, our first kiss together. So I sit next to her in the seat and just admire her long light brown hair that is in twin braids.

Sadly we arrive at the track meet. I want to stay on the bus and admire her forever. She is just too beautiful. I reluctantly get up and walk off the bus, Zach and then Naomi comes off the bus. Zach, Naomi and I walk to where our team is supposed to be and take a seat.

We wait for the other schools to arrive and stretch out our muscles so we don't get cramps. I take the lead and run around the track with the rest of the track team except for Naomi, she stayed sitting because the coach wanted her to stay there.

"Alright runners! Looks like everyone has arrived and we are going to start the state track competition!" The announcer says.

The teams of runners get excited and cheer, and so do we. We have a shot this year, I real shot, I can't wait to stand up on that podium and claim my award.

"Alright runners let's start the days event with the first 100 yard sprint." The announcer says.

"Alright here I go!" I said as I jogged away to the starting spot.

As I jogged I recognized a face running by me. No way, that bastard from the pier.

"Oh, look I guess surfer boy wanted a change in sport." I said coldly.

"Huh? Oh! Yo! What's up tough guy!" He said in a surprisingly cocky manner. "My name is Jared, just so you know." He continued.

"Kano." I scoffed.

He chuckled under his breath and said, "by the way that girl you were with, Naomi, yeah we had breakfast together, and man can that girl eat. Did you know that? considering you guys are dating right?" Jared said. I could feel his stare.

"I did know that, and we aren't dating yet." I said as I corrected him.

"Oh cool." Jared said as he stood up straight and stretched.

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