Chapter 22

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hey it's been a while, but the chapter before this was one of the last chapters that I didn't have mostly written, so I'm gonna try and update much faster now! I'm gonna keep this short bc IK most of you don't read these, but thanks to all the people who have stayed with this story even after I accidentally took a 3 month break (shit sorry didn't realise it had gotten so long...) oh and sorry for the huge time jump, but I think this story just needs to keep moving and not lose momentum again, so I thought it was best. anyway love you guys enjoy xoxo

Cammie POV

Two weeks. It's been two weeks since school started. Four since I last saw Zach. And he isn't here. I sat at the Welcome Back Dinner, waiting for him to show up, for him to burst through the doors and embrace me in his arms. For him to be there for me that night as I told him about what happened with the baby. Our baby. But that didn't happen. Every single day and night I waited for him to come back to me, as I played with the ring that had now become a piece of me. Bex, Macey, and Liz had tried to comfort me, and had been the most supportive friends that I could ask for when I told them, but unfortunately they could never give me the comfort that Zach, and Zach alone, could give me, and that scared me. I cried myself to sleep every night, wishing with everything I had that he would be here to hold me against his chest, to stroke my hair until I fell asleep. But it didn't happen. I spent 14 nights barely sleeping, just waiting for him to come back.

That is why, on the 15th day, I didn't expect the cafeteria doors to swing open violently to reveal a dirt covered, barely recognizable Mr Solomon supporting someone with all of his strength. I didn't expect that person, covered in dirt and caked with blood all over his face and dripping from his torso to be Zach. But I recognized him. Of course I did. I was the only one who could.

"ZACH!" I screech, running to him as Mr Solomon collapsed to the ground taking Zach with him. I slid down onto my knees next to him searched his body for the source of the blood. It wasn't too hard to find the wound in his stomach, a bullet hole from what I could see.

"I...." he stuttered and scrunched his eyes in pain, his eyes finding mine above him as I tried to apply pressure to the wound.

"I'm here Zach, I'm right here" I soothe while he writhes in pain. Why are the medical staff not here yet?

"I....I" he chokes out before his eyes shut and his body goes limp.

"no no no no no" I say, shaking my head in disbelief. This can't be it. I can't lose him. Not now. Not ever.

"SOMEBODY HELP!" I scream as everyone stands frozen. Even the teachers, the ones who have seen much worse in their lifetimes, aren't moving as fast as they should be. "HELP!" I sob and the teachers fly into action. "HE'S BEEN SHOT" I yell to no one in particular.

"Baxter run and get the doctor, NOW!" Professor Buckingham yells from the teachers table. Bex sprints faster than I've seen her run since last year. My mom and her run over to us, as someone yells for someone to get Mr Solomon water. He is breathing fine, just suffering from exhaustion by the looks of it, slumped on the floor next to us. I throw my sweater off and hand it to Professor Buckingham who tries to stop the bleeding in his stomach. I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders, trying to pull me back. I can't see who it is, I'm crying too hard.

"ZACH!" I yell, sobbing on my words.

"Cammie you're not doing him any good by staying there. You need to let the doctors take over" I recognize Macey's voice as I see the doctor run through the doors.

"Zach" I whimper as I allow myself to be pulled into my best friends arms as I watch the doctor and staff wheel Zach through the doors on a stretcher, yelling at the nurses to prepare an operating room for emergency surgery.

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