Chapter 18

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  The next few days consisted of bad movies, sleep, and self-pity. We could barely do anything but watch TV and sleep and it really sucked. Plus, we had already missed three days of the course, meaning that we only had one day left. Although it made me really uncomfortable, I was sort of relying on it to teach me some stuff. And now, I was going to be even more behind than usual when we got back. We got cleared to go back to school tomorrow as long as we could hold down dinner tonight.

Zach and I had just eaten, via our favorite nurse bringing us a tray. We lay in bed, my head on his chest and arm around his stomach, as we talked.

"Do you feel that Cam?" he asked

"Feel what?"

"My abs dissolving beneath your hand?" he says with only a slight trace of humor.

"What?" I say, only being able to hold back half a laugh.

"I haven't worked out in 4 days. 4 days!! You don't get abs like these from laying in bed for days" he whined.

"Zach I'm sure that your abs will be okay" I say, only half managing to be serious.

"I just hope you'll still love me when I don't have a perfect 6-pack. Because if I don't work out soon it's gonna happen"

"Hmmm I'll have to think about this. Kind of a deal breaker you know?" I tease and he playfully pouts at me.

"I told you! I'm in crisis mode here!"

"Zach, you know I love you right?"

"Course babe why?" he looks confused.

"Because I'm telling you for your own good that you need to shut the fuck up"

"You're a lovely girl aren't you?"

"It's all part of the charm" I say and he presses a kiss to my lips. It's not one that needs to last forever, but it has more meaning than a kiss so fast should.

"We better get some sleep. Big day tomorrow" I say.

"I'm aware. I'm very excited Gallagher girl" he says cheekily and I blush at his comment.

"shut up"

"No I'm serious, it's such a shame that we only got 2 days out of five. It's definitely been the best class I've ever taken" he says smirking.

"go to bed" I say, laughing. I make myself comfortable in his arms and try to sleep. Within minutes he's asleep but I'm restless. I really can't afford to miss this much of the course. I'm the one person who really can't. I try to focus on his deep breaths and try to push aside my thoughts. Before I know it, I fall asleep.

"wake up Gallagher girl" Zach says, shaking me awake.

"Morning gorgeous" he says and my heart swells.

"Morning" I say groggily. It is then that I notice the clock beside him, and notice that he's already fully dressed.

"ZACH!" I yell.

"What??" he asks, taken aback.

"You woke me up half an hour late you idiot!" I shout.

"I'm sorry, but you were actually sleeping peacefully for once so I thought that you would like to sleep" he says and looks really confused.

"Do you know how long it takes to look semi decent? Do you realize how hard that is for me?" I ask, still raising my voice.

"Cam calm down"

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