Chapter 16

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Hey guys!!! I'm so so sorry that it's taken me so long to update. I've been super duper busy with school and everything and I just haven't had a second to spare. Anyways I'm back, not that I was going anywhere, but I just wanted to tell you guys that I'm not stopping this story or anything, but for the next few weeks as I finish up school I'm going to be super busy so there may only be an update or two. Anyways enjoy! xx

So I thought that I'd start giving you guys a song or two that I listen to while writing this story, in case you wanted to listen to them while reading or after or whatever. They're usually quite emo, just saying, and usually have nothing to do with the chapter (although sometimes they do), bc that's just what helps me write, but they're good I promise. If you listen to them and like them, let me know and I'll start doing this on my chapters!

Hero x Wildcat! Wildcat!

Till It Hurts x Yellowclaw, Ayden

Zach POV ( can thank me later)

A few minutes later I've thrown up two more times and am sitting on the bathroom floor against the wall while Cammie turns green, praying for a nurse to come ASAP. A minute later my prayers are answered when a nurse whom I recognise as Brit lets herself into my room.

"So what's the problem here?" She asks in a soothing voice. I gesture weakly to the toilet and the girl sitting beside me.

"looks like you got stuck with this virus that's going around Virginia at the moment" we look at her confused. "It's basically the flu" she elaborates when she sees our blank faces.

"Come on let's get you two to the doctor" she says, reaching over to Cammie and slowly pulls her up from the floor and then gives me a hand. Slowly, we make our way to the infirmary, holding trash cans in front of us in case we need them.

The doctor comes into the examination room within thirty seconds of our arrival to double check what we have.

"Have you two had unprotected sex recently?" he asks out of the blue. Cammie turns a bright shade of red and I think I choke. 

"n-no we haven't" I say quickly. 

"We're not uh, you know, active" Cammie explains.  

"Well then that narrows out several tests, a lot of time, and well, a lot of awkwardness then" he says, obviously relieved that he won't have to report to my very intimidating mother that her daughter contracted an STD. He then takes our temperatures and other tests when he asks us if we're having a hard time breathing at all.

"It's a symptom of the virus going around" he explains, going back to that theory. "It's not problematic if we give you antibiotics right away" I shake my head no when Cammie says that she has been having slight difficulties breathing.

"Would you mind removing your shirt then so I can check your pulse and do a few other tests?" The doctor asks and she stiffens. I know better than anyone that she hates been exposed to anyone, even me or her best friends.

"Do you want him to wait outside?" the doctor asks her when she hesitates, gesturing to me. Oh hell no. There is no way in hell that I'm leaving her alone with a male doctor, not because I'm jealous, I trust her, but because she'll freak out. I know Cam well enough to know that she'd rather have both of us there than to be alone with a strange man. She glances at me and I look at her reassuringly before she says

"No it's okay I'd rather he stays" she says and slowly takes her shirt off. Although I want to look at her in only a bra, to take in what I've been dreaming about for months, I force myself to keep my eyes locked with hers as the doctor asks her to breathe in and out while he listens to various spots around her back and chest. After he's finished she scrambles to put her shirt back on, but that probably wasn't the smartest thing to do because right away she throws up into the trashcan right at her feet. The doctor hands her a paper towel once she's done and says

"Okay well I'm going to give both of you guys prescriptions and then you should be good in a few days, alright? I'll contact all of your teachers to send your work with your roommates" With that he leaves and Brit comes back in to take us back to our room. Once we get there we both collapse onto the bed, and Brit arranges a few things in our room before giving us our prescriptions and telling us to try and sleep it off and to call if we need anything.

"Well this is a lovely way to spend the day isn't it?" Cammie croaks out, her eyes fluttering closed. While I agree that this isn't the most ideal circumstance, at least we get a few days to ourselves. In a few months we will graduate and I don't even want to think about how we'll manage after that. Obviously we'll both go into an agency, but chances aren't in our favor of getting recruited for the same one. I'll barely see her, and it breaks my heart. Geez I sound like a girl, but it's true. I gaze down at the girl who has already fallen asleep with her head in my lap and wonder how in the world I found her.

If a year ago you told me that I would be attending the Gallagher Academy willingly, and be madly in love with someone, I would have called you crazy. Absolutely batshit crazy. That Zach didn't give a shit about anyone or anything. He didn't care about school, well if learning to be an assassin counts as school, he just wanted to escape. He didn't care about working in an agency, he just wanted to be a rogue agent and do whatever the hell he wanted. He didn't give a shit about what his mother was doing, who she was killing, what she was destroying, nothing. He wouldn't have wanted to be tied down to a girl because he knew that he wouldn't be able to stick in one place for long, and in our business, it was never smart to get attached. Quite honestly, he also wouldn't have wanted to be in between missions in India and not be able to sleep with a gorgeous heiress every night. 

But now, everything is different. She has changed me. For better or for worse she has changed me. From the very first time that I saw her in the dining hall on my first day at Gallagher with my Blackthorne classmates, I knew that she would be different, I knew that she would enter my life one way or another. And that scared me. It absolutely terrified me. Because I had a million walls built up around me so that I never get hurt in the way that my dad hurt me when he left us. I didn't want to let anyone in. I didn't need to. I could live a much better life by myself. Maybe that's why my first real semester here half the time I acted like I wanted to let Cammie in, and half of the time I was a complete ass to her. But she didn't get it. As much as I wanted her to, she didn't get it. I'd heard a lot of great things about her spying abilities through the grapevine, but she couldn't crack the toughest code she'd ever faced. Me. I saw it in her eyes every time that I would tease her but it would come out hurtfully, I saw it when I asked if I could kiss her, she was trying to crack the code that was me but she couldn't. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't.

On my last day at Gallagher the first time around, I was terrified. Terrified of never seeing her again. Terrified that I had wasted an entire semester trying to knock down my walls when I should have been letting her do it. I was an idiot and I knew it. I knew that there was a very high chance that I could kiss her right now and then never see her again. I knew that this was my one chance to keep my walls down forever, and if it failed, well I'd end up the way I always thought I would. So I just decided to grow a pair and kiss her. I just lent down and kissed her, right there in front of everyone, but I didn't care. When we pulled away she looked up at me shocked, as if she couldn't believe that behind all of the merciless teasing I actually had a heart. After that, I just left, partly because I was late, and partly because I didn't want her to see me in the state that I was in afterwards. A state where my signature smirk wasn't plastered across my face. A state where I didn't talk to anyone. A state where I was actually scared for the first time since I was a little kid. Scared that that would be it. Scared that she would move on and I would be left behind. God knows I had no idea what to do about us, except think about my perfect idea of us. But thankfully, I got to see her again. And now I'm here, with this perfect girl, my savior, sleeping in my lap while I absentmindedly play with her hair.

Now I want to graduate at the end of this year. I want to be recruited to the top agencies in the world. I don't just want, I need to track down my mother now. Because now, she has threatened the one thing I care about most in this world, and I'm not going to let anything happen to her. Even if that takes my life in the process. And now, I don't fear being tied down to a girl, I don't fear being hurt by the one person whom I've given the power to break me. I just relish in the time that we spend together and hope that it lasts forever.

Damn I'm such a girl. But you know what, I'm okay with that.

sorry it's short, I just wanted to get an update out...more coming soon xoxo

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