Chapter 3

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While Zach is busy piling four meals' worth of food into his stomach, I hear a familiar voice say in Farsi, the meal language of the day.

"Cameron dear" I turn to see Professor Buckingham tapping on my shoulder as I finish my lunch.

"Yes Professor?" I ask.

"Your mother would like to see you quickly before classes start" she saunters off to the teachers table without another word.

"Okay" I say. I start grab my backpack from the bench, when Zach takes it from me, swinging his leg over the bench.

"Oh it's okay, stay here and finish your lunch"

"No it's fine, I'm almost done anyway"

"Seriously, finish, I'm fine."

"If you're sure."

"Yeah I'm good to go"

"Okay well I'll wait for you outside her office to walk to CoveOps, okay?"

"Sounds perfect" he kissed me quickly, and I reach for my backpack but he says

"I got it, now go, you've only got 15 minutes" He sits back down and I walk to my mothers office.


"Hey kiddo" my mom says as I slide into the chair across from hers. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine" I say, forcing a smile.

"Cam, talk to me. I know you're not fine"

"I just..."

"Go on"

"I'm so confused mom. I thought that after everything it was now over, that I could finally return to my normal life, but instead I'm waking up possessed in the middle of the night and kicking the living daylights out of my boyfriend" she bites down a laugh at my choice of words because she knows that I'm serious.

"I honestly don't know honey. I don't think that this is going to last though Cammie. You're probably just stressed and it triggered something inside of your brain."

"So you don't think that this is going to happen again?"

"I don't think so and neither do our psychologists. But, they are requesting that you see them twice a week so that you can have an outlet for everything going on in your mind"

"But I have an outlet. I have the girls, I have Zach, I have you, Aunty Abby...."

"I know Cam, but I'm going to have to insist that you do this. I really think that it will help you"

"Fine." I relent, knowing that I'm not going to get my way. I pause before continuing. "Mom where were you yesterday? I was in the infirmary all day but I didn't see you once." I try not to sound hurt, but my training does not kick in fast enough to hid the emotion behind my words.

"I was there sweetie, but you were sleeping most of the day." she hesitates. "I also had some pressing matters to attend to, and Zach wasn't moving so I knew that you would be in good hands"

"What pressing matters?" She had to know that I would ask.

"The trustees are a little concerned about the Blackthorne boys staying here at the academy"

"What? Why?"

"Well you know their history Cam, they're not coming from some squeaky clean academy. They don't know if we can trust them"

"Mom you know that's not true. You know that you can trust Zach"

"Zach yes. But the others? Cammie, I need you to tell me right now, without thinking about what your words mean, if you think that you can truly trust the other boys."

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