Chapter 6

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A/N: Hey guys, so I'm thinking about writing in Zach's POV as well, what do you think? Vote yes or no in the comments please? It would mean so much if you commented!! XOXO

        As I walk into the dining hall hand in hand with Zach that night, after an extremely long day of classes, I feel the stares yet again. I feel like this is the most stares I've ever gotten. Will this game ever end? WIll I be left in peace for one meal ever? I guess more people heard our shouting match than I thought. And here I thought that we were slightly covert about it. I don't think that Mr Solomon would be too pleased. Tina "covertly" whispers something to Eva and I make out "surprise surprise they're holding hands" and "she has no spine." I know Zach hears it too becuase his jaw clenches and his grip on my hand tightens a little bit. What is going on? I used to be like sisters with all of these girls, but this year has changed things around. I guess I know who my real sisters are. 

        "It's not worth it" I whisper to him, already knowing what he's thinking. I can't take anymore drama. 

      "But they're so rude and wrong" he half-whines. I know that he wants to defend me and put them back in their place. 

        "It doesn't matter, I don't want to cause a scene, that's the last thing that I need right now" 

        "fineee" he huffs as we slide onto our uual section of the bench. 

        "Why would he ever go for her? I mean honestly. Out of all of us, he goes for her" Tina stage whispers so that I can hear it. TIna used to be the sweetest girl. Why has my dissapearance and PTSD changed everything and all of my relationships? This isn't fair. At all. Zach slips an arm around my waist, silently telling me that he chose me for a reason. That I'm the girl he likes; not them. Eva whispers back 

        "Well I think they're really cute together Tina, so for once in your life just shut up" She grins at me supportively and gives a slight wink, and I smile back. Tina huffs, looking flustered and retalliates. 

        "Whatever. It's obvious she's not giving him what he wants so what's she got that we don't" She doesn't even bother to 'whisper' anymore. Bex and Macey shoot her nasty looks (if looks could kill she'd be 5o feet underground by now), but Zach drops his fork to his plate and it lands with a clatter, stealing the attention. Everyone's attention turns to him, waiting for his reaction. 

        "What the hell is your problem Tina?" He is pissed. Really pissed. I can tell from the way his jaw clenches. She starts to speak when he cuts her off "No actually don't answer that. I know what your problem is. You're jealous. I mean, I can see why, obviously Cammie and I have something that you don't. I hate to break it to you, but that's never going to change, because I would never let go of Cammie that easily. Keep your nasty thoughts to yourself because they have no substance and they're just cold. So quit talking trash about my girlfriend okay, because she's not perfect, but she's everything to me, and I swear to god that if I ever hear you talk about her like that again we're going to have some serious issues . Got it?" she weakly nods her head, completely speechless. Zach then turns to me and lowers his voice so only I can hear. 

        "Don't listen to her" he says, and I just nod my head in response, my face gloomy. She's right about one thing. I'm not givng him what he wants. The question is, how much does he want it? "Seriously don't." he says, as if reading my thoughts. He has a way of doing that. "Anyway, I've got to get some homework done. I'm gonna bolt" 

        "Uh okayyy. Do you want me to come? We can work together?" I ask, desperate for a reason to get away from this table, but he doesn't get the message. 

        "Uh no it's okay. Spend some time with your friends, they never see ay of you nowadays. I'll see you later?" his voice has a weird tone. What is going on?

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