Chapter 7

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        I dream of Zach and I on a real date at a cheesy American carnival. We are riding a ferris wheel with colorful carts while we snuggle with each other to preserve body heat on the freezing day. He leans into me and whispers something into my ear, although I cannot make it out. Suddenly, a dark cloud engulfs the sky above us and I hear her laugh. It is a loud cackle coming from the clouds that makes my bones shiver and my body freeze. She comes whirling out of the clouds like a Harry Potter death eater and swoops me out of Zach's hands, kicking and screaming, while he screams after me. 

        "Miss me?" she hauntingly whispers into my ear as we land in an isolated cabin in the woods. "I'm sure you remember what happens in here Cammie" she cackles again and I start to scream. Flashes of whips and hot rods hurtling at me enter my mind and I can't breathe. "Cammie.....Cammie....Cammie...." she chants and I feel rough hands jerking at my shoulders so I keep kicking and slapping anything that I can find. I think that I get a few good shots in before I open my eyes to take in a plain dorm room, decorated only by a few pictures of me and a boy taped onto the wall next to the desk and bed. I see a face in front of me, although I'm not sure who it is, or whether they are friend or foe. I have a vague feeling that they are the enemy, fighting my original thoughts that he is on my side. I feel his hands clamp down on my wrists holding them to the bed, which makes me squirm more. He swings his leg over me so that he is sitting on me, holding my legs and arms down. I try to scream but he clamps his hand down over my mouth. What is happening? Why is he pinning me down to a bed? Is he going to use me? Who is he?

        "What's your full name?" he asks urgently. Is this an interrogation? 

        "Cameron Anne Morgan" I say slowly, as if the words are new to my tongue. I'm not sure if I answered correctly until he nods. Her laugh still resonates in my mind. How long do I have before she comes for me? How far away is she?

        "Name your three best friends" What a peculiar thing to ask. 

        "Bex, Macey, and Liz"  I say. I remember their names, although memories of them as friends are foggy in my mind. 

        "Where are you?" 

        "The Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women" I say, as if that is drilled into my mind. The words slip out of my mouth easily before I even have a chance to think about them. 

        "Name three people that you love" Why is he asking me all these questions? Why is he pinning me down? Who is he? 

        "Zach, Mom, Aunt Abby" I say. I remember my mother. And Aunt Abby. They are good. They are safe. But I still can't figure out why there is a strange man sitting on top of me, however not hurting me further. Who is this 'Zach'?

        "Who are you?" I ask, slightly scared for the answer. 

        "Who do you think I am?" he says, and I study his face for a second. I force her laugh out of my head while I try to match his face to a name. I feel it on the tip of my tongue, but I can't make it out fully. It's like playing a game of scrabble but with only one possibility, with all of the letters as options. Impossible unless you're a genius. But I'm not a genius, I'm a spy, which to some people is the same thing I guess? Wait, how did I know that? I feel random facts coming back to me, filling in the jigsaw puzzle inside of my brain.

        "Z-Zach?" I ask, unsure. I know that I said I loved a guy named Zach, and it seems like the only logical solution for the man who seems to be sharing a bed with me. He nods, and I feel the fog lift from my mind. "Zach" I horsely whisper. 

        "It's me" he softly says. 

        "Can you get off of me?" I ask, wheezing slightly to exaggerate my point. 

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