Chapter 13

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A/N: I know this is super short....I've been asked a few times to update so I wanted to give you guys a quick peek before I fell asleep....Hopefully I'll have another chapter up tomorrow or the day after which I promise will be sooooo much longer...

"What was that all about Gallagher girl?" he says, leaning against the door frame that leads to the girls' room.

"What was what about?" I ask.

"Your meeting with your mom"

"How did you know?"

"Spy" he says pointing to himself. "and Mr Solomon told me"

"Nothing much, she was just singing your praises." he smiles a genuine smile, not his signature smirk.

"I'm really glad to hear that. I'm going to have to get used to her sense of humor though, she really scared me. You should have heard the speech that I gave her. Well, actually I'm glad you didn't" he says, shaking his head.

"Actually, I did" I admit

"Is that good or bad?" he asks with a look of semi mortification.

"Good. Very good, it was so sweet."I say kissing him softly.

"So that wasn't too bad was it?" he says starting a whole new topic.

"Well, I had a moment of panic when my mom told us that all of the other boys, plus her and Mr Solomon would be in the room, especially since you were all looking at us as we entered. But, I just repeated what you told me. Only us, in our own little bubble, no one else, and that calmed me down. I wish you were there though, I always feel better and safer when you're around." I hope that I don't sound pathetic while saying this, but it's true. He is my rock. 

"Well Gallagher girl, as far as I'm concerned I will be around every second that I can. I wish I was there every time you got nervous, but unfortunately I can't always be, but I wish I was." He says, while wrapping his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck, looking up at him. 

"I'm the luckiest girl in this school you know?"

"I'm the luckiest guy so we're even" He pulled me in for a kiss and he pulled away whispering into my ear

"I believe I was promised a later....Something involving a little more action than when your parents aren't over my shoulder."

"I think that can be arranged" I say, using the confidence that I had in that room today. "But maybe not today." He sighs against my neck, however he doesn't sound too dissapointed. He's not that kind of guy. "When the course is over however, and I've learnt everything I can, then maybe that can be arranged. Maybe" I feel his smile against my neck. 

"I like the sound of that"

"I bet you do" We are talking at a regular voulume now.

"What even is the rest of the course?"

"I think we get some more privacy, some new techniques and some harder missions as far as I know" I say.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it. More privacy would be very nice. This might just be the best week of my life. Well, except for all of our major milestones"

"Got to admit it wasn't as bad as I thought, so I'll agree to that."

"I'm glad. It really worried me to see you like you were about to pass out. Don't do that to me again Cam"

"I'll try" I say "although I'd like your pep talks more often"

"Well I can definitely make that happen"

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