Chapter 4

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        CoveOps ticks by so slowly I think I can feel my life going by in front of me. When Mr Solomon finally dismisses us I am so ready to get away from the endless stares from everyone around me. Everyone is looking at me with sympathy and pity and I just can't stand it anymore. I'm not a nut I don't need their pity. Even Bex, Liz, Macey and Zach have sympathy in their eyes, although that is because of everyone else's looks. As I shove my books into my backpack and trail at the back of the pack with Zach at my side, I feel a slight tap on my arm. 

        "Can I speak with you for a moment, Ms Morgan?" Mr Solomon says. Of course he wants to speak to me. Every teacher does. I sigh quietly and turn around. 

        "Yeah sure" I say and I feel Zach beside me, a step behind. He's been by my side non-stop today and I'm so grateful for that. Before this I think that I would have found it annoying for someone to be by my side like a puppy, but now I only find it comforting. I don't know what I would do if Zach wasn't here with me. The girls try to talk to me, but they just don't get it. They've never been in the situations that I've been in, not even elite spy training can't prepare you for that. But Zach? He gets it, unlike everyone else he has an in that no one else has, and the fact that he understands is what's keeping me sane. Well, if you call my current state sane. 

        "You can go, Mr Goode, she's safe with me" he says with a small, reassuring smile and Zach hesitates. "Seriously Zach, she'll be out in a minute" He grows slightly impatient. 

        "60 seconds Solomon" 

        "You got it" Zach leaves the room with one last worried glance at me, as if I would crumble if he leaves me. 

        "Yes Mr Solomon?" I ask, just wanting this day and its interrogations to be over. 

        "How are you doing Ms Morgan?" Not again. Can't the faculty just tell eachother what I say to them because I know that they talk about me and I can't take someone else asking if I'm okay. 

        "I'm okay, thanks for asking" I say the default answer. 

        "Are you sure? Is there anything that I could help you with? Any questions I can answer?" I consider this for a second. I know that Mr Solomon has even more information than Zach. This is different from all of the other conversations I've had. 

        "Will it ever go away Mr Solomon? I mean, everyone tells me that these attacks will go away, but I feel like you're the only one that can honestly tell me what's going to happen to me"

        "I don't know Cammie, but I really do think that your attacks are going to solve themselves as time passes. They did damage to you, but I don't think that it will last."

        "Thank you Mr Solomon" I say, really feeling better now, and he nods towards the door signaling my release. I open the door to see Zach leaning against the wall half asleep. 

        "Hey are you okay?" he snaps back into action. 

        "I'm fine, I just wish that everyone would stop asking me if I'm okay"

        "I'm sorry, I won't ask aga-" I don't give him a chance to finish, I just blurt out everything that I'm feeling. 

        "You know what I'm not fine Zach! Everyone keeps asking that but I can't tell them what I'm really feeling. Would you like to know what I'm feeling? After months of torture I finally thought that I had gotten through all of this and was finally done with all of this. What happened next? I woke up one night and attacked my boyfriend. I kicked the shit out of you and I wouldn't have stopped if no one did anything to stop me. I wasn't even me It was like I was possessed, and that's all because of them. And now everyone thinks I'm a nut once again and I'm not Zach. I'm not crazy. But I just don't know what to do anymore. Part of me wants to lock myself up somewhere because I can't hurt you again because that would be like hurting myself. Part of me wants to run away again because I can't keep putting everyone through this and I can't keep pretending that I'm fine when I'm not. I just want this to be over Zach, can this please be over, can I wake up tomorrow and have had a night where I don't wake up five times from nightmares. Can this all be over?" I'm crying now and I don't remember when I switched from yelling to crying. I don't know what else to say so I just let Zach pull me into his arms and I cry into his chest as he hugs me fiercely. One hand smoothes my hair as he says

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