Chapter 20

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Zach POV

Shit. Fuck. Fucking shit.

Cammie and I had just had sex, and it was absolutely incredible, except for the fact that I know she didn't enjoy it whatsoever, and that killed me. But there was a minor complication. The condom broke.

Now I'm not one to overreact. I'm really not. Being a spy you're trained not to even in the toughest of situations, and after dealing with Cammie flying off the grid for months I've dealt with the worst thing that could possibly happen, but this is one thing that I will allow myself to freak out over. This is serious shit that we're dealing with here.

It could be that nothing happens, that it only broke after I came, that maybe she just doesn't get pregnant. But what if she does? How could I have let this happen? This is all my fault. I should have gotten her on birth control before we took this step, but it was just so unexpected. I thought that it would be months before she was ready, but apparently not. Not that I'm complaining at all, but it was still unexpected. Now I'm meant to be getting dinner for us but I can barely move as the fear takes over me. What if she's really pregnant? How would I even deal with that? I mean, obviously I'd be supportive of whatever Cammie were to decide, but what if she wanted to keep it? I'm not ready to be a father! I can't be! I'm 17 for gods sakes! My career is about to take off! But then what if she wanted to get rid of it? Would I be relieved? Sad?

Damn I'm really overthinking this. I really need to chill the fuck out.

This is probably going to turn out to be nothing. I just need to keep an eye on Cammie. I need to watch out for symptoms. Yeah that's it. Right now, I just need to chill out, and make sure she's okay. God, I just took her virginity, and now I've already been gone for 20 minutes. I hope she isn't wondering where I am. I better hurry up.

When I'm about to enter the dining hall I pull the hood from my hoodie up, realizing that people are going to stop me and ask me where I've been, and delay me even longer. I sneak around the back of the dining hall, and make my way to the buffet table filled with gourmet dishes and try to find something that I can wrap in a napkin and bring back to our room. That's not an easy task. Eventually I settle on shoving 5 bread rolls into my pockets and grabbing two small baskets of Chef Louis' gourmet french fries. This should do for now. I try and stealthily make my way out of the dining hall and am about to exit when I feel a hand on my arm. I curse under my breath in Farsi and turn around to see the one and only Bex Baxter looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

"and where do you think you're going Zachary?" she asks.

"Back to my room" I try to pull off the stupid angle.

"Uh huh. And why isn't Cammie here?"

"She wasn't feeling well" Bex narrows her eyes at me as she tries to figure out if I'm lying or not.

"Why not? She's not sick anymore"

"I think she's just tired"

"Oh yeah, from what?" Bex inquires. "Too much strenuous physical activity?" she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"and what would you be implying Rebecca?"

"Oh I think you know exactly what I'm implying Zachary" she retorts, never skipping a beat. That girl is relentless. I lean closer to her and whisper.

"You didn't hear this from me alright?" I start and she nods. "But there may have been some strenuous physical activity going on in there that did not have to do with keeping up the six pack" I clarify and she laughs. "But make sure you act suprised when she tells you okay?"

"You got it Goode" she says, grinning like the mad hatter.

"What is it with all these nicknames today?" I question.

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