Chapter 21

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Cammie's POV

A couple days go by in a haze of flirty comments and cuddling. Lots and lots of cuddling. Teachers have decided not to bombard us with homework for some reason this week, so it's been rather enjoyable. We're having a debate about whether or not I should stay on these new pills, seeing as I woke up feeling like I'd just completed my first ever hard core P&E class at Gallagher, when I smack right into someone. I look up and to my utmost disbelief it's Bella. Could my life be any more of a clichè??? She looks between us nervously while I shoot her a glare that would send her 6 feet under if looks could kill.

"Oh...uh... hey Zach" she says giving him a small smile before saying "Hey Cammie," not meeting my eyes. I step closer to her, and Zach grabs onto my arm as if to warn me not to do anything stupid bt I shrug him off.

"Listen Bella, let's not forget that I'm the Senior here. I'm older, more advanced, and have more power than you quite frankly and If you ever go near my boyfriend again, we're going to have a serious problem, got it?" I say giving her an evil smile.

"Too bad I'm not afraid of you" she says, going into bitch mode as well. "Oh and for the record, he came on to me, so don't flatter yourself thinking that you're the only girl he's ever laid eyes on"

"Listen you little slut-" I say through gritted teeth before Zach interjects.

"Woah woah woah okay we're done here. Goodbye Bella, Cam let's go" he says trying to pull me away.

"Aw look at that you got yourself a babysitter" she coos. I take the opportunity to take Zach's face in my hands and kiss him slowly, allowing the PDA for once.

"Babysitter, lover, boyfriend, whatever you want to call it, I still got him. Now run along little Junior before I rethink my decision not to hurt you" She scurries off and I hear a low chuckle beside me.

"What about that is funny?" I ask him.

"Just a tad jealous Gallagher girl?" I know it's not his fault, but right now I'm overly sensitive, from the drugs, and seeing Bella in the flesh after finding out about their history, but I snap.

"Of the girl who took your virginity? Yeah, I am" I say, brushing past him and joining our friends at the Senior table, who are all laughing while looking at me, obviously referring to what just happened.

"Long time no see, Cam" Macey starts.

"Yeah where have you and lover boy been hiding?" Grant chimes in.

"Wouldn't you like to know" I say with a mischievous grin. I feel Zach slide in next to me and hear

"I didn't mean to be insensitive just then, I'm sorry" whispered into my ear.

"It's okay, I'd just really rather not talk about Bella ever again, okay?" I reply, low enough that no one else will hear.


"Look you're gonna have to bear with my over reacting to everything for a little while. These meds are completely screwing with my hormones, and I'm sorry for doing this to you, but they really have been helping the attacks, so I'm gonna stay on them"

"Do what you have to do Gallagher girl, I understand, and I'm here for you" Zach says exactly what I needed to hear right now.

"Why is it that we always have sappy conversations while in the presence of all our friends that would give us so much shit if they were listening?"

"Who knows..." He says smirking at the others who are completely oblivious.

"Well, I'm not complaining" I say, eating a pancake while Zach shovels down some sausages and eggs.

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