Chapter 8

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I run back to my room where Bex, Macey, and Liz are all on the floor painting their nails. 

        "Hey there Cammie, what took you so long?" 

        "Oh I just fell asleep there" they all look at me with cheeky grins. 

        "Spill!" Bex says impatiently. 

        "Nothing happened I swear! Well except for-" 

        "WHAT?" Macey practically yells, eager for the answer. 

        "He told me that he loved me" I say squealing and they follow. 

        "OMG! No way!" Liz says. 

        "Yay Cammie I'm so happy for you!" bex says. 

        "DId you say it back?" Macey questions. 

        "Of course I did Mace. Was it even a question?" I say. "But I've got to give you details at a later time. I'm meeting up with Zach in like 10 minutes to work out" they all pretend to choke. 

        "I'm sorry did you say work out?" 

        "Like voluntarily?" they ask incredulouly. 

      "Long story, but short is that I've got to go" I say running over to my closet and grabbing short black athletic shorts and a grey sports bra with a tangled web of neon yellow straps on the back and on the hems. I change quickly and then run into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair and touch up a tiny bit of makeup, but nothing that will run with sweat. I then pull my hair up into a messy ponytail and grab Zach's Blackthorne sweater from my bed. I pulled on socks and my sneakers and then said hurried goodbye's before dashing out of my room. I ran into the cafeteria, where I grabbed a chocolate chip muffin- my favourite- from the large plate of them and ran out to the P&E barn, eating as I went, where Zach was already waiting. 

        "You're late" he says. 

        "Only by 12 seconds" I say without even glancing at my watch. "I was being nice, giving you another 12 seconds to rest before having your ass kicked" 

        "I think you've forgotten that I'm the coach here right now" 

        "Well 'Coach' are you going to shut up and tell me what to do or what?" 

        "Fine" he grins an evil grin. "Let's start with something easy then. 200 situps. 50 at a time. Legs in tabletop position" I fight the urge to run off there and then. 

        "Fine let's go" I say, sitting down next to him. At the same time we start and by 30 I'm ready to stop. Keep going I chant and before I know it I've made it to 50. I lay down, and take off Zach's hoodie, leaving me in my bra. Before he has a chance to say something cheeky, he starts the next 50. This set goes surprisingly fast and before I know it I'm on the last 50, groaning as I reach the last one. 

        "I hate you" I say to him. 

        "Oh please we haven't even started yet" Crap. Why did I do this again? Oh yeah. To prove a point. And I will prove it. 

        "What's next?" 

        "Planks" he says. "4 for 30, 4 for a minute, and 4 for two minutes" he says and I lay down ready to start. He clicks the timer on his watch and I hoist myself up. I like planks. I can do this. All goes well until we get to the two minutes. I'm already shaking from the last one minute plank, but by the second minute of the first 2 minute plank I am shaking and red as tomato I'm sure. I collapse to the ground as soon as the watch beeps but to my chagrin in 30 seconds it beeps again, signalling the start of a new one. As soon as the fourth one ends, Zach hops up, seemingly unaffected by the workout so far and moves to the jungle-gym-like setup in the corner of the "barn". 

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