author's note

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Thank you so much to everyone who's read this story, especially those of you who have commented/voted consistently. 

As I mentioned on the last chapter, there will be a sequel!! 

I'm not sure when I will publish the first chapter, but it may be a while. I have an incredibly busy weekend coming up, and then school....but I have 5 days off for thanksgiving so I should be able to do some writing then! 

I also have no idea what's going to happen in the sequel...I have an idea for the first chapter but I really have no idea where it's going. I'll have to do some brainstorming. I usually change it as I go, but I need to get an idea before I start it so that I know that there's somewhere that I could potentially go with it. 

If you guys own fan accounts/twitters/tell your friends, it would mean the world to me if you could tell people about this story. I'm going to go back and edit it at some point, but now that it's done for now maybe you could spread the word? I know personally that I don't like reading books unless they're completed, so it would be awesome if you could tell people. I'd be happy to give you a shout out/proof read a chapter of yours or anything really-if you have ideas let me know!! 

Love you all, 


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