Chapter 11

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         I sat down on Zach's lap and leaned into his chest as his strong arms wrapped around me, and Grant and Bex and Macey and Preston followed. Liz and Jonas cautiously settled onto the floor side by side, obviously less comfortable with PDA then the rest of us. Nothing new there. 

        "Okay, so rules are: if you answer your truth or dare you are safe but if you refuse, you strip an item of clothing off. Simple as that, understood?" I looked down at my shorts, fuzzy socks, tank top and sweater that I threw on before the boys came in, and of course my underwear. I was safe for a little while. 

        "who's brave enough to spin the bottle first?" Preston teases. 

      "Oooh I will!" Macey exclaimed, and Preston gave her a look of worry. She spun and it landed on Grant. 

        "Truth or dare Grant?" 

        "Dare McHenry"

        "uhhh, okay. I dare you to...Run into Mr Solomon's office, start babbling all about how you want to have sex with Bex and ask for his advice until he tells you to stop."

        "You wouldn't" he said. Bex glared at her.

        "Oh I would"

        "Mr Solomon's like a second dad to me"

       "And he's my teacher!" Bex exclaimed. 

       "Oh, you also have to be bugged so we can listen in."

      "Ugh fineee" Once he was all set up with Liz's new bugging equipment, he ran to Mr Solomon's office and started talking. 

        "Mr S I need advice."

        "Anything Grant talk to me"

        "Well, basically Bex and I are in a relationship now. We're getting pretty serious too. I really love her and I think that she feels the same way, however I'm a older and that's an inconvenient posistion to be in sometimes because they think that we only want sex, which I don't, I really love her and want to be in a relationship with her, except that now I keep getting all these urges because I want to be with her but I don't know if she feels the same way and I can't ask her because she'll kick my ass if she doesn't feel the same way and I mean that girl is scary when she wants to be, and now whenever I kiss her or touch her or anything I have to try and hide everything and I just want to be with her and I don't know what to do, I mean I've tried doing it myself but it's nothing compared to wanting her and I just can't take it anymore I mean even Jonas and Liz have talked about it and are getting close, and I don't know about you but I'm pretty sure Preston and Macey have done it recently because they seem a lot closer than usual, as for Cammie and Zach, who knows with those two, they keep themselves private but I just don't know how much longer I can go I mean she's obviously a virgin since she's never had a boyfriend before and I...I mean I'm not... and I mean you know Bex she's completely focused on training and doesn't want anything to screw that up and I want to be with Bex in a fully committed relationship, I want that, I just agh I'm going crazy" He rambled on and on in one sentence. Mr Solomon looked completely stunned, and slightly uncomfortable. 

        "Well Grant, seeing as Ms Baxter is one of my students, I think that this is inappropriate, even though you can come to me with anything usually"

         "I know sir, but I trust you. I need your help. You're the only male role model in my life and I need you" Mr Solomon's face softens. Grant is a very convincing actor, he'll be very good once he starts working. 

        "Well, uhhh, I know that she is scary, however you have to confront her if you love her like you say you do. As to all of that other stuff I really am not going to respond to talk of your classmates like that because they are my students first and foremost and that is highly inappropriate. But Grant, talk to her, I've seen her soft side. Also, we're going to have a talk about this at a later time, because right now I know you have to get back to your friends to tell them all about your dare"

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