Chapter 24

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4 updates in 3 better love me:) again, another time skip, although not as drastic this time. I really just want to finish this story before I lose momentum again, and then after that I'm probably going to go back and do some MAJOR editing, specifically on parts where I'd like to go back and add in more detail.

At 3 am, I walk over to Zach's dorm, hoping that he'll be awake too. My eyes are red and puffy from crying for hours, and I don't have a trace of makeup on. My hair is a mess, only brushed but not styled in any way, and my uniform is wrinkled from falling asleep in Bex's arms, comforting me in a way that I've missed the for the past 6 months. I never truly realized how little time I spent with the girls this year, and I'll always regret that. At least I have a few months to make up for it. I knock on his door hesitantly, not knowing what to say, really. All I know is that we have to fix this. There's got to be a way. We belong together. Both of us know that.

Zach opens the door quickly, but I know right away that he's not the Zach that I know and love. His eyes are bloodshot and his hair is a mess. It's not his signature perfectly messed up hair, but a downright mess.

"You" he says, pointing his finger at me harshly. I notice that he's slurring his words too. He's drunk.

"Where did you get alcohol Zach?"

"Stole it from the kitchen, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that we never finished our little chat"

"Zach I'm not talking to you right now. You're drunk and we need to talk about this reasonably" I say as calmly as I can.

"No. We're talking about this right now"

"What's there to talk about? I can't take it back" I say.

"We need to talk about us"

"What about us?" I say with my heart constricting in my chest.

"I can't trust you anymore" he says plainly, as if it doesn't bother him in the slightest.

"What?" I choke out.

"You heard me" he spits out.

"Zach you love me, I know you do. You need to sober up and then we'll talk okay. You're not going to remember any of this in the morning"

"Why would anyone ever love you?" he says and my heart pounds at a million beats a minute.


"Why would anyone ever love a selfish, ugly bitch like you?" he spits, venom dripping from his words. My heart breaks with each and every word.

"I love you" I say desperately, trying to bring his real self out of this drunken, cruel, state.

"I don't" he says, shaking his head. "I don't know why I ever wasted my time on you" he says. Too calmly. He's scarier like this. He pushes me up against the wall next to his door inside of his room, his face only a few inches away from mine.

"Don't lie to me Zach"

"I'm not lying this time Cameron, but I've lied about much worse" he snickers.

"Like what?" I ask, my heart skipping a beat as I wait.

"Like the fact that I've only slept with Bella once" he scoffs and I can feel my heart breaking more and more.

"What?" I croak in horror.

"You heard me. You can't possibly believe that I would have sex once and then not sleep with anyone for another year. You're not even the only one that I've slept with recently" I almost choke at his words. This can't be happening right now.

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