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My feet pound the pavement, my legs a blur. My breath comes heavily and my head is spinning, aching to stop. I hear them behind me. They are coming. I gasp for air, trying to breathe out the pain of my two bullet wounds throbbing. I trip, and fall, and lay on the ground for a split second, enjoying my momentary relief from the pain. But it only lasts a moment. Zach grabs my hand with one of his, and my good shoulder with the other and pulls me up whispering

"C'mon Gallagher Girl, C'mon we can do this. Let's go"

"Zach I can't. I can't. It hurts too much. It feels like I've been shot again. Leave me. Go. Save yourself. " Tears fall down my cheeks, and I hate to cry in front of him, in a time where I should be strong, but I can't help it. I'm in too much pain. He kneels down next to me momentarily, glancing behind me to make sure that they don't get too close. I can feel it though, they are almost here. They will find us.

"We've beat them before, we can do it again. Listen to me Gallagher Girl, either you are going to run with me, or I am going to carry you. Personally I would run, because I wouldn't want your wounds crashing against my shoulder with every step. Now c'mon let's go." He cupped one side of my face with one of his hands and I placed my hand over his. He flashed a warm smile at me, and I wished the moment could last forever, but it could only last a split second before I reluctantly let him pull me to my feet. We run again, side by side, and I ignore the throbbing pains, and focus on the adrenaline coursing through my body. Suddenly Zach and I reach a wire fence and I realize that we have to climb it. Now. I moan quietly. I don't know if my arm has enough strength in it now to pull up my body weight, but I have to try. I hear the pounding footsteps growing so much closer by the second, and know that I have to hurry.

"Here you go first. I'll give you a leg up so you climb less" Zach says. He laces his hands together under my foot and I jump up while he pushes me up. My hands reach for the fence and grasp it but my left arm fails and I fall to the ground, landing on my feet thankfully.

"Sorry." I mutter. "My arm gave way. I've got it this time" I say embarrassed. I should be able to do that. I have done pull-ups since the seventh grade, I have learnt how to deal with every scenario you could think off, and this time I had my feet to support my weight too. Why now?

"Don't worry Cam, just hurry now. Okay?" He tries again and this time I successfully grasp the net and start to climb up. But then the footsteps are louder. They are here. I turn around to see them, pointing a gun at each of us. I swing myself over the fence, as Zach scrambles up, going faster than I'd ever seen him move. But he was not fast enough. I hear a gunshot, and watched as Zach cried out in pain as the bullet hit his arm, or so I thought. He kept climing though. The gun sounded again, and this time I watched in slow motion as Zach fell off of the net and hit the ground. Going limp. Blood spurted out of his back and he lay there. One of them went over to him to check his pulse. She (or he I couldn't tell) shook her head- no. He was dead, or dying anyway.

"ZACH!" I yelled, not caring if they found me. I swung my legs over the fence, jumped down, and ran to him. They retreated, obviously they got what they wanted. "ZACH! WAKE UP ZACH! JUST WAKE UP. PLEASE." I yelled, shaking him.

"C-cammie" He stuttered. "I love you" He said, with his head in my lap, and then his eyes went still and his pulse stopped. Zach was dead. For the second time in my life I recieved the news that Zach was dead. I can't handle this a second time, I can't breathe.

"ZACH!!" I yelled again. Sobs racked through my body and I shook, crying more than I ever thought possible. No one was chasing me so I stayed there. I placed my head on his chest and cried and cried and cried.

"Cam?" I felt someone shoving me. Out of habit, my instincs took over and I raised my fist and slammed my fist into what felt like his cheek. "OW! Cammie" the voice said again. It was filled with concern. Wait, I recognized that voice. It was Zach's. "Cammie wake up." He said shaking me softly again. My eyes fluttered open, and I saw Zach kneeling next to me in the bed, his eyes filled with concern.


"I'm right here Cammie, I'm right here." I leapt into his arms and he grasped me tightly. He rubbed his hands through my hair and tried to calm me down. I held a piece of his shirt, and cried into it. "Shhh, shhh it's okay Cam, it's okay, it was just a bad dream, I'm right here" He hugged me, keeping one hand on the back of my head, and one wrapped around my back. I cried and cried into him, until I felt like I could stop. I stopped crying, and just hugged him tightly. He hugged me back, gingerly to be careful of my bullet wounds, but as hard as he could currently. I felt his tight muscles, rippling with every breath that he took.


"Right here Gallagher girl"

"they're coming"

"No they're not. I promise. They're gone. They won't come back to hurt you any more." I sigh against his chest.

"What are you doing in here" I say, careful not to wake the girls up.

"Couldn't sleep...and I just kind of had a bad feeling so I wanted to be sure you were okay" he shrugs. I smile at the gesture.

"Just go to sleep Gallagher girl, everything will be okay" With that my eyelids fall heavy and I drift off to sleep once more.

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