Sock Opera: Part 1

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Dipper's p.o.v.

Me and the girls were in the library, Soos had finally fixed up that laptop we had found in the bunker so it was finally time to investigate it. "Alright, girls, today's the big day-" "Big day!" My sister shouts as I pull out the laptop stating "Soos finally fixed up the laptop. If this thing works, we can learn the identity of the authors and unravel the greatest mysteries of Gravity Falls, you ready?"

(y/n) excitedly nods her head as my sister gives me a serious look. "Oh I'm ready baby," She then pulls out a pop-up book and flipped to the page of the baby calling for its mama. I open the laptop and press the start button. We watch in anticipation as the system starts up. "This is it. This is it!" (y/n) shouts happily as we're greeted with the word welcome. "It worked," I say and I do our secret handshake with the girls when we hear a noise as the screen lights up in red.

"Unauthorized access forbidden? Enter password? Ugh, of course!" (y/n) sighs out. "Don't you worry bro-bro and (n/n), with your brains and observations, and my laser focus there is literally nothing that can distract us from-"

She cuts herself off as we hear music start to play at the center of the library. "Did you hear that?" She asks before we turn our heads to see a blonde pony-tail-haired guy playing the piano, playing with puppets, and singing to the younger kids. Here we go again...

"Oh boy..." (y/n) and I mutter as Mabel uses another pop-up book to express her newfound crush. "Just as I was getting over Mermando of course you show up at my door-step," Mabel says as (y/n) and I get up, searching for a certain book as I tell her "Oh yeah I forgot about Mermando, did not care for Mermando."

"Found it! Ok, this cryptology book says there are 7.2 million words. Dipper you type, Mabel we'll read," (y/n) says already flipping through pages of the book when Mabel flies out of her stool toward the guy. "Mabel?"

Mabel's p.o.v.

I grab one of the book carts and use it to make my introduction. I wheel in front of him and say hi. "Hey, guess who's Mabel? I am! Care to learn more? I bet you do, you like to learn- WOAH!" I fall off the cart onto the floor.

"And I'm up!" I walk up to him and shake his bee puppet's hand. "Hey, I'm Gabe, master of puppets, nice to meet you." "You're amazing with those puppets," I can't help but gush at him. "Really? A lot of people think puppets are dumb or just for kids or something." (We call them uncultured swines)

"Are you kidding me?! I'm puppet crazy! People call me Puppet Crazy Mabel!" I quickly tell him to make him feel better. "Really?! People used to call me Puppet Crazy Gabe! So when's your next puppet show?" He asks me excitedly and I give him a confused look.

"My huh?" "I mean you can't truly love puppets if you're to throwing puppet shows right?" I nervously tug on my sweater collar unsure of what to do. "Oh yeah, I'm totally working on a puppet show." "Oh yeah? What are the details?" Oh, poop. "There are sooo many details..."

(y/n)'s p.o.v.

While Mabel was flirting with her new crush Dipper and I were working on the laptop. "Try Password," He types it in we're met once again with the wrong password sound and told access was forbidden. "So how'd it go?" I ask Mabel as she sits down before I flip the page and give Dipper another password to try "12345678."

"Guys how hard would you think it would be to write and compose a sock puppet rock opera with lights, original music, live pyro-technics by Friday?" She asks and we both stop what we were doing to address her.

"What? Mabel are you serious?" Dipper asks her and she grabs s by the collar of our shirts shouting "I dunno what happened! I got lost in his eyes and his ponytail and I'm gonna be so embarrassed on Friday if I don't have anything!" "What about cracking this password? You know Mystery Trio, (y/n) and I can't do this alone."

"If you both help me with this for just a couple of days I promise I'll help with the password! Please! Pretty please! It's for love~" She begs us and we give each other a look. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to help a little bit." "Alright..." We agree and she pulls us in for a hug shouting "Yes! Thank you! These two! They're number one!"

We start to head out and Dipper and I discussing possible passwords for the laptop. "Man I can't wait to get to the bottom of that laptop." "Me neither. If our theory about one of the authors being Gram it might unlock so,e memories that can tell us who the other author is and what happened."

"I exclaim as we head to the thrift shop and buy a box full of socks for Mabel's puppet show. For the next few days, we helped Mabel and in the nights we tried to crack the password since helping Mabel would take all day.

It was now Thursday and Soos, Wendy, Dipper, Mabel, Waddles, and I was in the living room finishing up what Mabel needed help with. Dipper was cutting cloths, Soos painting backdrops, Wendy blowdrying puppets, Mabel writing the music, and I was securing a spot for her to have her play. "Ok, the play's called Love Story: A Sock Opera! Just a warning people's eyes will get wet because people will be crying from laughing at how tragic it is!"

"Yeah, that sounds great," Dipper comments trying to pull a glued-on sock off his face. I giggle as I help him Wendy stating "Come on Dipper you just gotta roll with Mabel's craziness. It's what makes life worth living."

Author: I apologize for the lateness of this chapter.

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